Verb That Start With U

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Here are some verb base forms starting with U, along with their definitions and examples for each verb:

  • Undergo
    Definition: to experience or be subjected to something
  • I underwent surgery.
  • She underwent training.
  • They underwent a transformation.
  • Understand
    Definition: to comprehend or grasp something
  • I understood the concept.
  • She understood the language.
  • They understood the instructions.
  • Unite
    Definition: to bring or come together as one
  • I united the team.
  • She united the family.
  • They united the countries.
  • Unlock
    Definition: to open or release something locked
  • I unlocked the door.
  • She unlocked the secret.
  • They unlocked the potential.
  • Update
    Definition: to make something more modern or current
  • I updated the software.
  • She updated the news.
  • They updated the records.
  • Use
    Definition: to employ or utilize something
  • I used the tool.
  • She used the skill.
  • They used the resource.
  • Utilize
    Definition: to make practical use of something
  • I utilized the opportunity.
  • She utilized the talent.
  • They utilized the technology.
  • Uncover
    Definition: to reveal or expose something hidden
  • I uncovered the truth.
  • She uncovered the evidence.
  • They uncovered the conspiracy.
  • Unfold
    Definition: to reveal or develop something gradually
  • I unfolded the plan.
  • She unfolded the story.
  • They unfolded the mystery.
  • Upgrade
    Definition: to improve or enhance something
  • I upgraded the computer.
  • She upgraded the phone.
  • They upgraded the service.

  • Unbridle
    Definition: to release or restrain something, like a horse
  • I unbridled the passion.
  • She unbridled the creativity.
  • They unbridled the energy.
  • Unburden
    Definition: to remove or share a load or responsibility
  • I unburdened the secret.
  • She unburdened the guilt.
  • They unburdened the stress.
  • Uncover
    Definition: to reveal or expose something hidden
  • I uncovered the truth.
  • She uncovered the evidence.
  • They uncovered the conspiracy.
  • Undermine
    Definition: to weaken or erode something, like a foundation
  • I undermined the argument.
  • She undermined the confidence.
  • They undermined the authority.
  • Unfold
    Definition: to reveal or develop something gradually
  • I unfolded the plan.
  • She unfolded the story.
  • They unfolded the mystery.
  • Unify
    Definition: to bring or come together as one
  • I unified the team.
  • She unified the family.
  • They unified the countries.
  • Unleash
    Definition: to release or let loose something, like a dog
  • I unleashed the power.
  • She unleashed the creativity.
  • They unleashed the fury.
  • Unload
    Definition: to remove or release a burden or cargo
  • I unloaded the truck.
  • She unloaded the emotions.
  • They unloaded the responsibility.
  • Unravel
    Definition: to untangle or separate something, like threads
  • I unraveled the mystery.
  • She unraveled the knot.
  • They unraveled the plot.
  • Unseat
    Definition: to remove or displace someone from a position
  • I unseated the champion.
  • She unseated the incumbent.
  • They unseated the leader.

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