Formation of Adjectives from Verbs



Formation of Adjectives from Verbs

Formation of Adjectives from Verbs

Here’s a list of Adjectives formed from Verbs:

Verbs Adjectives
Absorb Absorptive
Abound Abundant
Abuse Abusive
Accomplish Accomplished
Achieve Achievable
Act Active
Admit Admissible
Advise Advisable
Apologize Apologetic
Authorize Authoritative
Beautify Beautiful
Believe Believable
Bless Blessed
Bloom Blooming
Break Breakable
Cheer Cheerful
Compel Compulsory
Deceive Deceptive
Decide Decisive
Defy Defiant
Die Deadly
Eat Edible/Eatable
Exceed Excessive
Excel Excellent
Expend Expensive
Favour Favourable
Finish Finished
Fill Full
Furnish Furnished
Gleam Gleamy
Grieve Grievous
Heal Healthy
Ignore Ignorant
Judge Judicial
Labour Laborious
Lead Leading
Learn Learned
Limp Lame
Live Live
Love Lovely
Marry Marriageable
Move Movable
Need Needy
Note Notable
Obey Obedient
Object Objectionable
Oblige Obliging
Offend Offensive
Oppose Opposite
Oppress Oppressive
Please Pleasing/Pleasant
Prevent Preventive
Protect Protective
Provoke Provocative
Quarrel Quarrelsome
Reduce Reducible
Rely Reliable
Rot Rotten
Run Running
Ruin Ruinous
Satisfy Satisfactory
Serve Serviceable
Shake Shaky
Shape Shapely
Steal Stealthy
Strike Striking
Study Studious
Surprise Surprising
Trace Traceable
Urge Urgent
Use Useful
Vacate Vacant
Vary Various
Weigh Weighty
Worship Worshipful

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