Adverbs That Start With H

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “H,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Happily – in a joyful or pleased manner.
  • They happily danced in the rain.
  • Harshly – in a rough or severe manner.
  • The teacher spoke harshly to the disobedient student.
  • Hastily – in a hurried or rushed manner.
  • She hastily packed her bags before leaving for the airport.
  • Healthily – in a manner that promotes good health.
  • She eats healthily and exercises regularly.
  • Heartily – in a wholehearted or enthusiastic manner.
  • They laughed heartily at the comedian’s jokes.
  • Heavily – with great weight or force.
  • The rain fell heavily all night.
  • Helpfully – in a manner that provides assistance.
  • He answered the question helpfully, guiding the students through the problem.
  • Herein – in this place or thing; in this document or text.
  • The solution to the problem lies herein.
  • Heroically – in a brave or courageous manner.
  • The firefighter acted heroically to save the family from the burning building.
  • Honestly – in a truthful or sincere manner.
    • She answered the question honestly, without hesitation.
  • Hopefully – in a manner expressing hope or optimism.
    • Hopefully, the weather will improve for our outdoor event.
  • Hourly – every hour; occurring or done hourly.
    • The bus runs hourly between the city and the airport.
  • Humbly – in a modest or unpretentious manner.
    • He accepted the award humbly, thanking his supporters.
  • Hungrily – in a manner indicating hunger or strong desire.
    • The children looked hungrily at the delicious meal.
  • Hurtfully – in a manner that causes emotional pain or distress.
    • She spoke hurtfully, unaware of the impact of her words.
  • Hypothetically – in a manner based on a hypothesis or assumption.
    • Hypothetically, if we were to increase sales, profits would rise.
  • Hazardously – in a manner that poses a danger or risk.
    • They ventured hazardously into the uncharted territory.
  • Headlong – with great speed or force; without hesitation.
    • He ran headlong into the water, eager to cool off.
  • Henceforth – from this time onward; henceforward.
    • Henceforth, all employees must sign in upon arrival.
  • Henceforward – from this time forward; henceforth.
    • We will implement the new policy henceforward.
  • Homeward – toward home; in the direction of one’s home.
    • They walked homeward as the sun began to set.
  • Haplessly – in a manner marked by misfortune or bad luck.
    • He haplessly stumbled into one mishap after another.
  • Hastefully – in a hurried or rushed manner.
    • She completed the task hastefully, hoping to finish before the deadline.
  • Hellishly – in a manner resembling or characteristic of hell; extremely unpleasant or difficult.
    • The hike up the steep mountain was hellishly difficult.
  • Historically – in a manner relating to history.
    • Historically, this city has been a center of trade and commerce.
  • Horrifically – in a manner that is extremely shocking or terrifying.
    • The accident scene was horrifically gruesome.
  • Humbly – in a modest or unassuming manner.
    • He spoke humbly about his achievements, giving credit to his team.
  • Hysterically – in a wildly emotional or uncontrollable manner.
    • She laughed hysterically at the joke.
  • Haphazardly – in a random or disorganized manner.
    • The books were stacked haphazardly on the shelf.
  • Haughtily – in a manner that conveys arrogance or superiority.
    • She looked at him haughtily, as if he were beneath her.
  • Heedlessly – in a manner that shows a lack of care or attention.
    • He ran heedlessly into the busy street.
  • Helplessly – in a manner indicating a lack of ability to help oneself.
    • She looked on helplessly as the situation unfolded.
  • Hesitantly – in a manner showing reluctance or uncertainty.
    • He hesitantly agreed to take on the new project.
  • Histrionically – in a manner overly dramatic or theatrical.
    • She reacted histrionically to the news, causing unnecessary panic.
  • Horizontally – in a level or flat position; parallel to the horizon.
    • The picture hung horizontally on the wall.
  • Hugely – to a great extent; very much.
    • The project was hugely successful.
  • Humorously – in a manner that is funny or amusing.
    • He told the story humorously, making everyone laugh.
  • Hungry – in a manner indicating a strong desire or need for something.
    • She eagerly awaited the results, hungry for success.
  • Hurtfully – in a manner that causes emotional pain or distress.
    • She spoke hurtfully, unaware of the impact of her words.
  • Hypocritically – in a manner that contradicts one’s professed beliefs or feelings.
    • He hypocritically criticized others for behavior he himself exhibited.
  • Hence – as a consequence; for this reason.
    • The flight was delayed; hence, we arrived late.
  • Hereafter – from this time on; in the future.
    • Hereafter, all meetings will be held in the conference room.
  • Hereby – by means of this; as a result of this.
    • You are hereby granted access to the restricted area.
  • Herein – in this document or text.
    • The solution to the problem lies herein.
  • Hereunto – up to this time; until now.
    • We have faithfully followed the terms set forth hereunto.
  • Henceforward – from this time forward; henceforth.
    • We will implement the new policy henceforward.
  • Herself – in person; personally.
    • She painted the portrait herself.
  • Hitherto – up to this time; until now.
    • Hitherto, we have not encountered any major problems.
  • Humbly – in a modest or unpretentious manner.
    • He accepted the award humbly, thanking his supporters.
  • Hereinafter – in the following part of this document or text.
    • Hereinafter, the term “company” refers to the organization as a whole.

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