Vocabulary about gym


 Here are some vocabulary words related to the gym:

Treadmill: A stationary exercise machine with a moving platform on which you can walk or run.

Dumbbell: A handheld weight used for resistance training.

Barbell: A long metal bar with weights attached to each end used for various strength exercises.

Cardio: Short for cardiovascular exercise, it refers to activities that elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular fitness, such as running, cycling, or using an elliptical machine.

Repetition (Rep): One complete cycle of a particular exercise, usually consisting of both the concentric (muscle contraction) and eccentric (muscle lengthening) phases.

Set: A group of repetitions performed without rest in between.

Resistance: The force opposing the movement of a muscle, typically provided by weights or resistance machines.

Circuit training: A type of workout that involves moving through a series of exercises with little or no rest in between.

Flexibility: The ability of joints and muscles to move through a full range of motion.

Stretching: The act of elongating muscles to improve flexibility and prevent injury.

Strength training: Exercises that use resistance to build muscle strength and power.

Spotter: A person who assists during weightlifting exercises to ensure safety and provide support if needed.

Repetition maximum (RM): The maximum amount of weight an individual can lift for a specific exercise. For example, a 1RM is the maximum weight that can be lifted for one repetition.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): A type of workout that alternates between high-intensity exercises and short periods of rest or low-intensity activity.

Personal trainer: A fitness professional who provides individualized exercise programs, instruction, and motivation to help clients reach their fitness goals.

Bodyweight exercises: Exercises that use your own body weight as resistance, such as push-ups, squats, and planks.

Resistance band: A flexible band made of rubber or latex that provides resistance during strength exercises.

Cross-training: Engaging in a variety of exercises or activities to work different muscle groups and prevent overuse injuries.

Warm-up: A short period of light exercise performed before a workout to prepare the body for more intense activity.

Cool-down: A period of light exercise or stretching performed after a workout to gradually decrease heart rate and promote recovery.

Leg press: A resistance exercise machine that targets the muscles of the legs, particularly the quadriceps and glutes.

Lat pulldown: An exercise machine that targets the muscles of the back, specifically the latissimus dorsi.

Chest press: An exercise machine or free weight exercise that targets the muscles of the chest, particularly the pectoralis major.

Bicep curl: An exercise that targets the biceps muscles by flexing the elbow joint while holding weights.

Tricep dip: An exercise that targets the triceps muscles by lowering and raising the body using parallel bars.

Abdominal crunch: An exercise that targets the abdominal muscles by flexing the spine and lifting the shoulders off the ground.

Plank: An isometric exercise that targets the core muscles by holding a position similar to a push-up but with the forearms on the ground.

Deadlift: A compound weightlifting exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, and core, by lifting a loaded barbell from the ground.

Plyometrics: A type of exercise that involves explosive movements, such as jumping or bounding, to improve power and speed.

Stability ball: A large inflatable ball used for various exercises that challenge balance and core stability.

Elliptical trainer: A stationary exercise machine that simulates walking, running, or stair climbing with minimal impact on the joints.

Rowing machine: An exercise machine that simulates the action of rowing a boat and provides a full-body cardiovascular workout.

Incline bench: A weight bench with an adjustable backrest that allows for different angles of incline during strength exercises.

Superset: A training technique that involves performing two different exercises back-to-back without resting in between.

Tabata: A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for multiple rounds.

Foam roller: A cylindrical foam device used for self-massage and myofascial release to relieve muscle tension and improve flexibility.

Functional training: A type of exercise that focuses on movements that mimic real-life activities to improve overall strength and coordination.

VO2 max: The maximum volume of oxygen that an individual can use during intense exercise, often used as a measure of cardiovascular fitness.

Interval training: A workout method that alternates between periods of high-intensity exercise and periods of lower-intensity or rest.

Body composition: The proportion of fat, muscle, and other tissues in the body, often measured to assess overall fitness and health.

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