Period punctuation mark:

Period punctuation marks


A period is a punctuation mark that indicates the end of a sentence. It is also known as a full stop. Periods are used in writing to make text easier to read and understand. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use periods correctly in your writing, with examples for clarification. Let’s get started!

Purpose and use of period:

Periods are used to indicate the end of a sentence. This is their primary purpose, and they should be used in this way whenever possible. However, there are times when it is necessary to use a period for other reasons. We will discuss these situations later in this blog post.

How to Use period:

There are a few different ways to use periods in your writing. We will discuss them below, with examples for clarification.

1. End of Sentence:

As we mentioned earlier, the primary purpose of a period is to indicate the end of a sentence. When you reach the end of a sentence, you should always include a period at the end. This ensures that the reader knows when one sentence ends and another begins. Here are some examples:

I am going home.

The party is over.

She works at Walmart.

In each of these sentences, there is a period at the end to signify the end of the sentence. If you did not include this punctuation mark, it would be difficult for the reader to understand where one sentence ends and another begins.

2. Abbreviation

Periods can also be used in abbreviations. When an abbreviation includes a period, it is known as a acronymed acronym. Here are some examples:





The periods in these abbreviations indicate that they are acronyms, and not just regular words. Without the periods, it would be difficult to tell that they are actually abbreviated versions of other words.

3. Exception to End of Sentence Rule

There are times when it is necessary to use a period for other reasons than indicating the end of a sentence. One such situation is when you are using quotation marks. In this case, the period should be placed inside the quotation marks, like this:

He said, “I am going home.”

In this example, the period is necessary to show that the sentence is over, even though it is inside the quotation marks. If you were to place the period outside of the quotation marks, it would signify that the sentence continues after the quoted section.

Another exception to the rule about periods indicating the end of a sentence is when an ellipsis is used. An ellipsis is a series of three periods (…) that indicates an omission in a quoted passage. When using an ellipsis, you should place it outside of any punctuation marks that come before or after it, like this:

He said, “I am going home.” … I hope he is okay.

In this example, the ellipsis indicates that the speaker has stopped quoting the other person and is now speaking for themselves. The period after “home” signals the end of the quoted section, while the periods after “I hope” indicate that the speaker is continuing on with their own thoughts.

4. Quotation Marks with Other Punctuation

It is also important to note that periods are placed outside of quotation marks when they are used as part of another type of punctuation mark. For example, if you have a question mark or an exclamation point inside your quotation marks, the period should go outside of them:

He said, “I am going home!”

Did he say, “I am going home.”?

In these examples, the periods are placed outside of the quotation marks because they are part of the exclamation point and question mark, respectively. If they were placed inside the quotation marks, it would change the meaning of the text.

When to use period:

1. To finish a declarative or imperative sentence, use a period.

A declarative sentence is one that makes a statement.

China is the fastest growing county.

I like cake.

They should leave early.

A request or instruction is expressed in an imperative sentence.

Be there at nine.

Wait for your brother.

Use small quantity of oil in the pan.

2. In Abbreviations:

The following are examples of some abbreviations which use periods:






P.M. or p.m.






When not to use period:

1. If the statement is an actual exclamation, don’t use a period. Make use of an exclamation point to emphasis your message.

She is such a kind lady!

What a great idea!

How beautiful this place is!

2. When a sentence asks a straight question, don’t put a period after it. Make a question mark at the end of your sentence.

Is it possible that the picnic will be postponed?

If the sentence is a statement that indirectly answers a question, however, a period should be used.

Sabrina inquired about the picnic’s cancellation.

3. When writing most abbreviated organization names or commonly used acronyms that replace words, avoid using a period.






However, there are situations where usage differs, such as in the abbreviation USA or U.S.A., which are both acceptable.

4. Do not add a second period to a sentence that finishes with a period to indicate an abbreviation.

I want to buy make-up products like eyeshadows, lipstick , blusher, eyeliner, etc.

As you can see, there are a few different ways to use periods in your writing. By understanding how and when to use them correctly, you can ensure that your text is easy to read and understand. Do you have any questions about using periods? Let us know in the comments below!

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