Nod meaning/ synonym and antonym/ sentences with nod

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The word “nod” can have several meanings depending on the context:

  1. A gesture: “Nod” can refer to a movement of the head or body to indicate agreement, understanding, or acknowledgement.

Example: “She nodded in agreement with the proposal.”

  1. Sleep: “Nod” can also mean to fall asleep or doze off.

Example: “The baby nodded off to sleep in her arms.”

  1. A sign or signal: “Nod” can be used to describe a sign or signal, like a nod of the head, to indicate approval or permission.

Example: “The driver gave a nod to the pedestrian to cross the road.”

  1. A unit of measurement: In obsolete usage, a “nod” was a unit of measurement, equivalent to a small amount or degree.

Example: “The medicine was given in nods of one grain each.”

  1. A verb: “Nod” can also be used as a verb, meaning to incline or bend the head or body, or to move up and down.

Example: “She nodded her head to the music.”

Overall, the meaning of “nod” depends on the context in which it is used.


Here are some synonyms for the word “nod”:

  1. Assent
  2. Agree
  3. Acquiesce
  4. Concur
  5. Consent
  6. Approve
  7. Signify
  8. Indicate
  9. Gesture
  10. Signal


Here are some antonyms for the word “nod”:

  1. Refuse
  2. Disagree
  3. Decline
  4. Deny
  5. Disapprove
  6. Reject
  7. Shake (as in shaking one’s head)
  8. Disavow
  9. Contradict
  10. Oppose some of these antonyms may have slightly different connotations or nuances, but they all generally convey the opposite meaning of “nod”.

Also, it’s worth noting that the antonym of “nod” can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

For example, if “nod” means to fall asleep, then the antonym would be “wake” or “stay awake”.


Here are some example sentences using the word “nod”:

  1. She gave a nod of approval before signing the document.
  2. He nodded his head in agreement with the proposal.
  3. The baby nodded off to sleep in her arms.
  4. The driver gave a nod to the pedestrian to cross the road.
  5. She nodded her head to the music, enjoying the beat.
  6. He nodded in recognition when he saw his old friend.
  7. The audience nodded their heads in appreciation of the performance.
  8. She gave a nod of encouragement to her teammate.
  9. He nodded his head to signal that he was ready.
  10. The teacher gave a nod of approval to the student’s answer.

Here are some more sentences using “nod” in different contexts:

  1. The doctor gave a nod to the nurse to administer the medication.
  2. The conductor gave a nod to the orchestra to begin playing.
  3. She nodded her head to the rhythm of the music.
  4. He nodded in understanding when she explained the concept.
  5. The audience nodded their heads in agreement with the speaker.
  6. She gave a nod to her partner to indicate she was ready to dance.
  7. He nodded his head to the bartender to order another drink.
  8. The teacher gave a nod to the student to present their project.
  9. She nodded her head to the beat of the drum.
  10. He nodded in appreciation of the beautiful sunset. “nod” can be used in various contexts, such as to indicate agreement, approval, recognition, encouragement, or to signal something.

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