Foolish meaning/ synonym and antonym/ sentences with foolish

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The word “foolish” can have several meanings depending on the context:

  1. Lacking good sense or judgment; unwise: “He made a foolish decision to quit his job without having another one lined up.”
  2. Silly or absurd: “The foolish antics of the clown made the children laugh.”
  3. Ridiculous or absurd: “He wore a foolish grin on his face after drinking too much beer.”
  4. Lacking intelligence or common sense: “She was foolish to trust him with her money.”
  5. Frivolous or trivial: “He spent his money on foolish things like video games and expensive clothes.”

Synonyms: silly, absurd, ridiculous, unwise, imprudent, senseless, mindless, idiotic, stupid.

Antonyms: wise, sensible, prudent, intelligent, rational, thoughtful, careful, cautious.

“foolish” can also be used to describe someone who is innocent or naive, but this meaning is less common and often depends on the context in which the word is used.


Here are some synonyms for the word “foolish”:

  1. Silly
  2. Absurd
  3. Ridiculous
  4. Unwise
  5. Imprudent
  6. Senseless
  7. Mindless
  8. Idiotic
  9. Stupid
  10. Naive


Here are some antonyms for the word “foolish”:

  1. Wise
  2. Sensible
  3. Prudent
  4. Intelligent
  5. Rational
  6. Thoughtful
  7. Careful
  8. Cautious
  9. Discerning
  10. Astute Some of these antonyms may have slightly different connotations or nuances depending on the context in which they are used.

For example, “wise” implies a deep understanding or insight, while “sensible” implies a more practical or down-to-earth approach.

Similarly, “intelligent” implies a high level of cognitive ability, while “rational” implies a more logical or reasonable approach.

Sentences with foolish:

Here are some example sentences using the word “foolish”:

  1. He made a foolish decision to invest all his money in a risky business venture.
  2. She was foolish to trust him with her secrets.
  3. The foolish grin on his face made him look like a clown.
  4. It was foolish of her to try to climb the mountain alone.
  5. He was foolish enough to believe that he could win the contest without practicing.
  6. The foolish idea struck him in the middle of the night.
  7. She was foolish to think that she could change him.
  8. The foolish mistake cost him the game.
  9. He was foolish to ignore the warning signs.
  10. The foolish policy led to a series of unfortunate events.

And here are some more examples using different forms of “foolish”:

  1. Foolishly, she had forgotten to bring her phone. (adverb)
  2. The foolishness of his actions was evident to everyone. (noun)
  3. He foolishly believed that he was invincible. (adverb)
  4. The foolishness of the idea was clear from the start. (noun)
  5. She acted foolishly, without thinking of the consequences. (adverb)

Remember, “foolish” can be used in various contexts to describe something or someone as unwise, silly, absurd, or ridiculous!

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