Examples Of Pronoun In Sentences

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Here are some examples of pronouns in sentences:

  1. Personal pronouns:
    • I (first person singular): “I am going to the store.”
    • you (second person singular and plural): “You are my friend.”
    • he/him/his (third person singular masculine): “He is going to the gym.”
    • she/her/hers (third person singular feminine): “She is a doctor.”
    • it/its (third person singular neuter): “The cat chases its tail.”
    • we/us/our (first person plural): “We are going to the movies.”
    • they/them/their (third person plural): “They are coming over tonight.”
  2. Possessive pronouns:
    • mine: “This book is mine.”
    • yours: “That car is yours.”
    • his: “The phone is his.”
    • hers: “The purse is hers.”
    • its: “The cat chases its tail.”
    • ours: “The house is ours.”
    • theirs: “The car is theirs.”
  3. Reflexive pronouns:
    • myself: “I cut myself while cooking.”
    • yourself: “You should try it yourself.”
    • himself: “He cut himself while shaving.”
    • herself: “She gave herself a haircut.”
    • itself: “The car drives itself.”
    • ourselves: “We enjoyed ourselves at the party.”
    • themselves: “They cut themselves while cooking.”
  4. Demonstrative pronouns:
    • this: “This book is interesting.”
    • that: “That car is expensive.”
    • these: “These shoes are comfortable.”
    • those: “Those people are my friends.”
  5. Interrogative pronouns:
    • who: “Who is going to the store?”
    • what: “What is your name?”
    • which: “Which book do you like?”
    • whom: “Whom did you invite to the party?”
    • whose: “Whose car is this?”
  6. Indefinite pronouns:
    • someone: “Someone is knocking on the door.”
    • something: “Something is wrong with the car.”
    • anyone: “Anyone can enter the contest.”
    • anything: “Anything can happen.”
    • nothing: “Nothing is going on.”
    • everybody: “Everybody is invited to the party.”
    • everything: “Everything is going to be okay.”
  7. Reciprocal pronouns:
    • each other: “They love each other.”
    • one another: “They help one another.”

Here are 20 examples of pronouns in sentences:

  1. I (first person singular): “I am going to the store.”
  2. You (second person singular and plural): “You are my friend.”
  3. He (third person singular masculine): “He is going to the gym.”
  4. She (third person singular feminine): “She is a doctor.”
  5. It (third person singular neuter): “The cat chases its tail.”
  6. We (first person plural): “We are going to the movies.”
  7. They (third person plural): “They are coming over tonight.”
  8. Me (object pronoun): “My friend invited me to the party.”
  9. Him (object pronoun): “I gave the book to him.”
  10. Her (object pronoun): “I sent the gift to her.”
  11. Us (object pronoun): “The teacher gave us a lot of homework.”
  12. Them (object pronoun): “I invited them to the party.”
  13. Myself (reflexive pronoun): “I cut myself while cooking.”
  14. Yourself (reflexive pronoun): “You should try it yourself.”
  15. Himself (reflexive pronoun): “He cut himself while shaving.”
  16. Herself (reflexive pronoun): “She gave herself a haircut.”
  17. This (demonstrative pronoun): “This book is interesting.”
  18. That (demonstrative pronoun): “That car is expensive.”
  19. Someone (indefinite pronoun): “Someone is knocking on the door.”
  20. Everything (indefinite pronoun): “Everything is going to be okay.”

Note that some of these examples may have slightly different connotations or nuances, but they all demonstrate the different forms and uses of pronouns in sentences.

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