Conjunction with Examples/ Types of Conjunction with Examples :



Conjunction with Examples/ Types of Conjunction with Examples :

What Is Conjunction?

As we all know, a sentence in the English language is a combination of many things like noun, verb, proverb, subject, object, clauses, conjunction, etc. these are all linguistic terms. 


A conjunction is a word that is used to connect clauses in the English language. Clauses in the English language are a group of words, but not any combination of words. It includes a subject and a verb that have any relationship. A clause gives us information about what a subject is doing. 

The conjunction also connects two or more sentences or phrases. And it is also used to bring the different words into an efficient relationship.

A conjunction is never connected with an object.

Examples of conjunction:















Conjunction Examples in Sentences:

If we have two sentences like. 

I can cut vegetables

My husband can cook

Then we can combine them using the conjunction ‘and.’ 

I can cook cut vegetables, and my husband can cook


I like a collage

I wouldn’t say I like physics class

We will use the conjunction ‘but.’

I like college, but I wouldn’t say I like physics class

Martha is happy and wants to enjoy.

Louis is intelligent but lazy.

Wait till I return.

Unless you work hard, you cannot succeed.

I do not know when he will come.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Mr. Paul teaches English and common skills in our school.

How to use conjunctions in a sentence correctly?

It is important to note that only one conjunction connects thoughts, ideas, actions, nouns, and other parts of speech.

1. Except and unless:

Except and unless are not equal in speech.

Incorrect: I will not write except you ask me to

Correct: I will not write unless you ask me to

Except it is a preposition. It should be followed by a noun or anything equivalent to the noun. 

He called everyone in his class except Robin.

2. Except and Without

Without can also not be used in place of unless. It is also a preposition and should be followed by a noun.

Correct: Unless you get out of my room, I will call the police.

Incorrect:  Without you get out of my room, I will call the police.

The example below expresses the same meaning but has different structures.

I shall not drink unless you do

I shall not drink without you

3. Like and As

Like is also a preposition. It cannot connect two clauses. It should be followed by a noun that will act as its object.

Sam looks like his father.

As is a conjunction, and a clause should follow it.

Correct: Sam walks like his father

Incorrect: Sam walks like his father

Types of Conjunction with examples:

There are many types of conjunction. Below are some important categories of conjunction.

Coordinating conjunctions.

Correlative conjunction.

Subordinating conjunctions.

Conjunctive adverbs.

Coordinating Conjunctions

The most common examples of coordinating conjunctions are or, and, but. These are the most common and less complex types of conjunction. 

Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions 

And: It is used when we add one thing to another.

For: It is used when you are explaining a purpose or giving any reason.

Or: Giving a choice between two nouns or verbs.

But: It is used when you are comparing or showing the contrast between two things.

Nor: It is used to present balanced alternative negative ideas to already stated ideas.

So: To show the result or effect of anything.

Yet: To present a contrasting idea after the previous one logically.

Examples of Coordinating Conjunction In Sentences

Mike and Rick go to class seven.

Linda is mean, but her boyfriend is meaner.

The room is warm yet pleasant.

We can drive to your mom’s house or walk to the park. 

The customers did not mind the delay, nor complain about the quality of food.

I wanted to read a book, so I went to the library.

Subordinating conjunction

These conjunctions join dependent clauses to independent clauses. It also shows the relationship between two clauses that are involved in transitioning time and place. 

Examples of subordinating conjunction




As if





Even if

Even though














Examples of Subordinating Conjunction in Sentences

As Sharon was walking in the park, she ran into her old friend.

Zara begins to cough whenever she drinks cold water.

When my dad arrived, we started dinner.

I don’t eat tomato soup because I’m not too fond of the taste of tomatoes. 

Until summer arrives, we have to prepare for colder.

“If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” Gandhi.

Correlative conjunction

These conjunctions are not a single word but work in pairs. They join phrases or words, which are equally important in a sentence.

Examples of Correlative Conjunction

Not only

But also





No sooner/Then

Examples of Correlative Conjunction in Sentences 

Both Paul and Mathew became my good friend.

Either you or your best friend will win.

Neither my mother nor I know how to cook.

I will either eat bread or egg for breakfast.

Do you know whether Linda is in the library or school? 

It is such an easy essay that I dint have to work hard to memorize it.

Conjunctive adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs make a connection between two independent clauses or sentences. Like any other adverbs, they can move in a sentence.

Examples of conjunctive adverbs



For example









And many more.

Examples of conjunctive adverbs in sentences

We should talk about mike’s behavior. Additionally, we should talk about his result.

That dish is too expensive for me; besides, it is tasteless.

There are many answers to this question; however, none of them is accurate.

She didn’t drive with me to the church today. Instead, she took a bus.

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