Body Parts – Compound Words

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Here are some compound words related with body parts

  1. Headache
  2. Toothbrush
  3. Forehead
  4. Eyebrow
  5. Earache
  6. Nosebleed
  7. Mouthful
  8. Armrest
  9. Elbowroom
  10. Wristwatch
  11. Handstand
  12. Fingerprints
  13. Toeprints
  14. Footprint
  15. Kneeboard
  16. Shoulderblade
  17. Chestnut
  18. Hipbone
  19. Thighhigh
  20. Anklebone

Some of these words may be more common or widely used than others, and some may be more obvious body part compound words than others.

Here are some more body parts compound words:

  1. Backache
  2. Backbone
  3. Birthmark
  4. Bloodstream
  5. Bonehead
  6. Brainwave
  7. Breastbone
  8. Chestpain
  9. Cross-eyed
  10. Earplug
  11. Eyelash
  12. Facecloth
  13. Fingerling
  14. Forearm
  15. Haircut
  16. Handshake
  17. Headband
  18. Heartbeat
  19. Jawbone
  20. Kneejerk

And here are even more:

  1. Lipstick
  2. Mouthwash
  3. Necktie
  4. Nosecone
  5. Ribcage
  6. Shoulderpad
  7. Skullcap
  8. Spineless
  9. Teethmarks
  10. Toeclip
  11. Underarm
  12. Wristband

Here are some more body parts compound words:

  1. Armchair
  2. Armpit
  3. Backbite
  4. Backburn
  5. Biceps
  6. Birthmark
  7. Blindspot
  8. Bloodshot
  9. Bone marrow
  10. Brainchild
  11. Breastfeed
  12. Buttock
  13. Chesty
  14. Crosshair
  15. Earful
  16. Eyeful
  17. Faceoff
  18. Fingerfood
  19. Forehead
  20. Hairbrush

And here are even more:

  1. Hairy
  2. Handout
  3. Headhunting
  4. Heartthrob
  5. Jawbreaker
  6. Kidneybean
  7. Knee-high
  8. Lipbalm
  9. Mouthpiece
  10. Neckline
  11. Nipple
  12. Nosegay
  13. Ribtickler
  14. Shoulderblade
  15. Skullcap
  16. Teethgrind
  17. Toe-tapper
  18. Underbelly
  19. Wristwork
  20. Eyewash

Some of these words may be less common or used in specific contexts, but they are all body part compound words!

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