Here is the list of nouns that start with alphabet “h”
1. half brother
2. hair
3. haircut
4. half sister
5. hall
6. hamburger
7. hammer
8. Hamster
9. hand
10. handball
11. handicap
12. handle
13. hardboard
14. hardcover
15. hardware
16. harmony
17. hat
18. hawk
19. head
20. headlight
21. headline
22. health
23. heat
24. heaven
25. height
26. helicopter
27. helium
28. hell
29. helmet
30. help
31. hen
32. hexagon
33. hydra
34. hill
35. hip
36. Hurricane
37. Himalayan
38. history
39. hobby
40. hockey
41. hole
42. holiday
43. home
44. honey
45. hood
46. hook
47. hope
48. horse
49. horn
50. hospital
51. hour
52. hourglass
53. house
54. hub
55. hubcap
56. humidity
57. hydrogen
58. hygienics
59. householder
60. house wife
61. humanity
62. humanist
63. hunting
64. hunter
65. hut
66. husband
67. hypnotism
68. hamlet
69. hammer fish
70. handbook
71. handful
72. handicraft
73. handwriting
74. happiness
75. heading
76. headpiece
77. heart
78. heir
79. helper
80. hero
81. heroin
82. heroism
83. high Road
84. high school
85. highway
86. highway man
87. hobnail
88. honesty
89. horde
90. horn book
91. horn fish
92. horoscope
93. horror
94. horse fly
95. horse foot
96. horsemen
97. host
98. hotel
99. horseshoe
100. heart
101. herb
102. hypothesis
103. Humor