Adverbs That Start With L

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “L,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Lazily – in a manner showing an unwillingness to work or use energy.
  • The cat stretched lazily in the sun.
  • Lamentably – in a regrettable or unfortunate manner.
  • The project failed lamentably due to poor planning.
  • Laughingly – in a manner that expresses amusement or laughter.
  • They talked about old times laughingly.
  • Largely – to a great extent; mostly.
  • The success of the event was largely due to the volunteers.
  • Lastingly – in a way that continues for a long time.
  • The monument was built to lastingly honor the heroes.
  • Lavishly – in a very generous or extravagant manner.
  • They decorated the hall lavishly for the wedding.
  • Legally – in accordance with the law.
  • He was legally required to provide accurate information.
  • Legibly – in a manner that is clear enough to read.
  • Please write your name legibly on the form.
  • Leisurely – in a relaxed or unhurried manner.
  • They strolled leisurely through the park.
  • Lethargically – in a manner that shows a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
    • He moved lethargically after a long day of work.
  • Lightly – in a gentle or delicate manner.
    • She tapped him lightly on the shoulder.
  • Likely – probably or expected to happen.
    • It will likely rain tomorrow.
  • Limply – in a manner lacking stiffness or firmness.
    • The plant hung limply in the pot, needing water.
  • Literally – in a literal manner or sense; exactly.
    • The word “butterfly” literally means “butter fly.”
  • Lithely – in a manner that is flexible and graceful.
    • The gymnast moved lithely across the floor.
  • Lively – in an energetic or animated manner.
    • The children played lively in the backyard.
  • Loftily – in a manner that is elevated in character or tone.
    • He spoke loftily about his achievements.
  • Lonely – in a manner that expresses or causes loneliness.
    • She sat lonely in the empty room.
  • Longingly – in a manner that shows yearning or desire.
    • He looked longingly at the distant mountains.
  • Loosely – in a manner that is not tight or firmly fixed.
    • The rope was tied loosely around the pole.
  • Loudly – in a manner that produces a lot of noise.
    • The crowd cheered loudly for their team.
  • Lovingly – in a manner that shows love or affection.
    • She gazed lovingly at her newborn baby.
  • Loyally – in a manner that shows loyalty or faithfulness.
    • The dog followed its owner loyally everywhere.
  • Lucidly – in a manner that is clear and easy to understand.
    • The teacher explained the concept lucidly.
  • Luckily – in a manner that is fortunate or lucky.
    • Luckily, we arrived just before the storm started.
  • Luminously – in a manner that emits or reflects light.
    • The stars shone luminously in the night sky.
  • Lustily – in a manner that is vigorous and enthusiastic.
    • The choir sang lustily during the performance.
  • Luxuriously – in a manner that is rich and comfortable.
    • They lived luxuriously in their mansion by the sea.
  • Laboriously – in a manner requiring considerable effort and time.
    • He worked laboriously on the detailed painting.
  • Laconically – in a manner that uses very few words.
    • He answered the questions laconically, wasting no time.
  • Lavenderly – in a manner reminiscent of the scent or color of lavender.
    • The room was lavenderly scented, creating a calming atmosphere.
  • Lawfully – in a manner that is in accordance with the law.
    • The business operated lawfully in all its dealings.
  • Lecherously – in a manner showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.
    • He looked at her lecherously, making her uncomfortable.
  • Learnedly – in a manner that shows profound knowledge or learning.
    • The professor spoke learnedly about ancient history.
  • Lethally – in a manner capable of causing death.
    • The snake struck lethally at its prey.
  • Liberally – in a manner that is generous or free from restrictions.
    • He applied sunscreen liberally to avoid getting sunburned.
  • Lightheartedly – in a carefree and cheerful manner.
    • They chatted lightheartedly over coffee.
  • Likewise – in the same way; also.
    • She was pleased with the results, and her colleagues likewise felt satisfied.
  • Linearly – in a manner that progresses in a straight line.
    • The story progressed linearly, without flashbacks or interruptions.
  • Lingeringly – in a manner that remains for a long time.
    • She kissed him lingeringly before saying goodbye.
  • Liturgically – in a manner related to public worship or liturgy.
    • The service was conducted liturgically, following traditional practices.
  • Lividly – in a manner showing great anger.
    • He reacted lividly to the unfair accusation.
  • Longitudinally – in a manner relating to length or longitude.
    • The data was collected longitudinally over several years.
  • Lovably – in a manner that is endearing or lovable.
    • The puppy behaved lovably, charming everyone it met.

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