Adverbs That Start With B

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “B,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Barely – only just; almost not.
  • She barely made it to the meeting on time.
  • Bashfully – in a shy or embarrassed manner.
  • He bashfully introduced himself to the group.
  • Beautifully – in a way that is pleasing to the senses or mind.
  • The garden was beautifully arranged.
  • Boldly – in a confident and courageous way.
  • She boldly stated her opinion.
  • Briefly – for a short time; concisely.
  • He spoke briefly about the main points.
  • Blindly – without seeing or without preparation.
  • He blindly followed the instructions.
  • Blissfully – in a manner full of joy or happiness.
  • They were blissfully unaware of the trouble ahead.
  • Boastfully – in a bragging manner.
  • He boastfully recounted his achievements.
  • Bravely – in a courageous manner.
  • She bravely faced the challenge.
  • Briskly – in an active, quick, or energetic way.
  • He walked briskly to his next appointment.
  • Bitterly – in an angry, hurt, or resentful way.
    • She bitterly regretted her decision.
  • Brightly – with a lot of light; in a cheerful way.
    • The sun shone brightly in the sky.
  • Broadly – in a general way; widely.
    • Broadly speaking, the policy was effective.
  • Busily – in an active and energetic manner.
    • She was busily preparing for the event.
  • Bluntly – in a direct and unambiguous manner.
    • He bluntly told her the truth.
  • Bodily – in relation to the human body.
    • He moved bodily to shield her from the fall.
  • Bountifully – in a generous or abundant manner.
    • The garden yielded bountifully this year.
  • Brilliantly – in a very bright or impressive manner.
    • The fireworks lit up the sky brilliantly.
  • Boisterously – in a noisy, energetic, and cheerful manner.
    • The children played boisterously in the park.
  • Brutally – in a savagely violent way; harshly.
    • The soldiers were brutally honest about the dangers ahead.
  • Beneficially – in a way that is advantageous or helpful.
    • The changes affected the community beneficially.
  • Boyishly – in a manner characteristic of a boy.
    • He grinned boyishly at her compliment.
  • Bewilderedly – in a confused or puzzled manner.
    • She stared bewilderedly at the strange creature.
  • Benevolently – in a kind and well-meaning manner.
    • The king ruled benevolently over his people.
  • Bashfully – in a shy or timid manner.
    • He bashfully asked her to dance.
  • Briefly – in a concise manner; for a short duration.
    • She paused briefly before continuing her speech.
  • Backwards – in the direction of one’s back.
    • He stumbled backwards and nearly fell.
  • Brashly – in a self-assertive and rude way.
    • The young executive spoke brashly to his seniors.
  • Brightly – with a lot of light or cheerfulness.
    • She smiled brightly at her friend.
  • Bitterly – with intense hostility or resentment.
    • He spoke bitterly about his unfair treatment.
  • Blindfoldedly – with a blindfold on; blindly.
    • The contestants were blindfoldedly guided through the course.
  • Bravely – with courage and determination.
    • The firefighters bravely entered the burning building.
  • Brotherly – in a manner characteristic of a brother.
    • He treated her brotherly, always looking out for her.
  • Brilliantly – with exceptional brightness or talent.
    • The star shone brilliantly in the night sky.
  • Balefully – in a threatening or menacing manner.
    • The villain glared balefully at the hero.
  • Bashfully – in a shy or timid manner.
    • She bashfully accepted the award.
  • Blatantly – in an obvious and unsubtle way.
    • He was blatantly lying about his achievements.
  • Bizarrely – in a very strange or unusual manner.
    • The artist dressed bizarrely for the event.
  • Bleakly – in a way that is cold and unwelcoming; without hope.
    • She looked bleakly at the desolate landscape.
  • Blessedly – in a way that is fortunate or happy.
    • The rain came blessedly after a long drought.
  • Blindingly – in an extremely bright or dazzling way.
    • The headlights flashed blindingly in the darkness.
  • Blithely – in a carefree and cheerful manner.
    • He blithely ignored the warnings.
  • Blurrily – in an unclear or indistinct manner.
    • She saw the world blurrily without her glasses.
  • Boastfully – in a bragging manner.
    • He talked boastfully about his new car.
  • Boilingly – extremely or intensely (usually refers to heat).
    • The soup was boilingly hot.
  • Boisterously – in a noisy, energetic, and cheerful manner.
    • They laughed boisterously at the joke.
  • Bombastically – in a pompous or overblown manner.
    • The politician spoke bombastically about his plans.
  • Boundlessly – in an unlimited or infinite manner.
    • She loved him boundlessly.
  • Briskly – in a quick, active, or energetic manner.
    • She walked briskly to catch the bus.
  • Buoyantly – in a cheerful and optimistic manner.
    • He buoyantly greeted everyone at the party.

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