Adverbs That Start With A

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “A,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • . Abruptly – suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • She stopped abruptly in the middle of the street
  • Absentmindedly – in a way that shows a lack of concentration or attention.
  • He accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt.
  • Accordingly – in a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances.
  • The budget was adjusted accordingly.
  • Accurately – in a way that is correct in all details.
  • She accurately predicted the election results.
  • Actively – in a way that involves action or participation.
  • He actively participated in the discussion.
  • Actually – as a matter of fact; in reality.
  • She actually finished the marathon in under four hours.
  • Admirably – in a way that arouses or deserves respect and approval.
  • He admirably handled the situation.
  • Admittedly – as acknowledged.
  • Admittedly, the task was more difficult than we expected.
  • Affectionately – in a way that shows fondness or tenderness.
  • She affectionately kissed her child goodnight.
  • Aggressively – in a manner ready or likely to attack or confront.
  • The company aggressively expanded its market share.
  • Agreeably – in a pleasant or pleasing manner.
  • The room was agreeably warm.
  • Alarmingly – in a way that causes worry or fear.
  • The crime rate has increased alarmingly.
  • Allegedly – according to what is claimed but not yet proven.
  • He was allegedly involved in the scandal.
  • Almost – not quite; very nearly.
  • She almost missed the train.
  • Amazingly – in a way that causes great surprise or wonder.
  • The magician performed amazingly.
  • Amicably – in a friendly and peaceable manner.
  • The two parties resolved their differences amicably.
  • Amusingly – in a way that causes laughter or provides entertainment.
    • The story was amusingly told.
  • Angrily – in a manner showing anger or strong resentment.
    • He reacted angrily to the accusation.
  • Anxiously – in a manner showing worry or concern.
    • She waited anxiously for the test results.
  • Appallingly – in a way that is shocking and horrifying.
    • The conditions were appallingly bad.
  • Apparently – as far as one knows or can see.
    • Apparently, the meeting has been postponed.
  • Arbitrarily – based on random choice or personal whim.
    • The rules were applied arbitrarily.
  • Ardently – very enthusiastically or passionately.
    • She ardently supports the local team.
  • Argumentatively – in a manner inclined to argue or dispute.
    • He spoke argumentatively, challenging every point.
  • Artfully – in a manner that is skillful or clever.
    • The plot was artfully constructed.
  • Articulately – in a clear and effective manner.
    • She articulately expressed her views.
  • Astonishingly – in a way that is surprising or impressive.
    • The artwork was astonishingly detailed.
  • Astutely – in a manner showing sharpness and cleverness.
    • He astutely navigated the political landscape.
  • Attentively – with careful attention.
    • The audience listened attentively.
  • Attractively – in a way that is pleasing to the eye or mind.
    • The house was attractively decorated.
  • Audibly – in a way that can be heard.
    • She sighed audibly.
  • Authentically – in a way that is genuine and real.
    • The dish was authentically prepared.
  • Automatically – by itself with little or no direct human control.
    • The doors opened automatically.
  • Avidly – with great interest or enthusiasm.
    • He avidly read every book he could find.
  • Awkwardly – in a clumsy or uncomfortable manner.
    • She awkwardly stumbled over her words.
  • Away – to or at a distance from a particular place or person.
    • The dog ran away from the yard.
  • Awe-inspiringly – in a manner that causes awe or amazement.
    • The mountains stood awe-inspiringly against the horizon.
  • Awfully – very; extremely.
    • It was awfully kind of you to help.
  • Axiologically – in a manner relating to the study of values and value judgments.
    • The philosopher spoke axiologically about ethics.
  • Aye – always; ever.
    • Aye, the sea has always been unpredictable.
  • Absent – in the absence of something.
    • Absent any other options, we must proceed with caution.
  • Aloud – in a voice loud enough to be heard.
    • She read the letter aloud.
  • Apart – to or on one side; at a distance from the main body.
    • They live apart but remain close friends.
  • Apace – swiftly; quickly.
    • The project is moving apace.
  • Afresh – in a new or different way.
    • He started afresh after moving to a new city.
  • Askew – not in a straight or level position.
    • The picture hung askew on the wall.
  • Afield – to or at a distance.
    • They traveled afield in search of adventure.

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