Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet x


 Here is a list of words starting with the letter “X” along with their synonyms:

1. X-ray – Radiograph

2. Xanadu – Paradise

3. Xenophobia – Fear of foreigners

4. Xenophile – Lover of foreigners

5. Xenogenic – Foreign or exotic

6. Xerophyte – Desert plant

7. Xerox – Photocopy

8. Xenon – Noble gas

9. Xylophone – Musical instrument

10. Xystus – Garden walkway

11. Xebec – Mediterranean sailing vessel

12. Xylem – Plant tissue

13. Xanthous – Yellow

14. Xanthein – Yellow coloring matter

15. Xiphoid – Sword-shaped

16. Xeric – Dry

17. Xeriscape – Landscaping with drought-resistant plants

18. Xenogenesis – Generation of offspring that differ from the parents

19. Xerography – Photocopying process

20. Xerothermic – Thriving in hot and dry conditions

21. Xyst – Covered walkway

22. Xylitol – Natural sweetener

23. Xenolith – Foreign rock inclusion

24. Xyster – Surgical instrument for scraping bones

25. Xerochilia – Dry lips

26. Xylography – Woodblock printing

27. Xeroderma – Dry skin

28. Xerophilous – Adapted to dry conditions

29. Xenotransplantation – Transplantation of organs between species

30. Xerosis – Abnormal dryness

31. Xylograph – Wood engraving

32. Xylocarp – Woody fruit

33. Xylographer – Wood engraver

34. Xenobiotic – Foreign substance

35. Xanthoma – Yellowish growth on the skin

36. Xylographical – Relating to wood engraving

37. Xenogenesis – Production of offspring different from the parents

38. Xeroma – Dryness of the eye

39. Xylographically – In a manner related to wood engraving

40. Xiphosuran – Marine arthropod

41. Xenial – Hospitable or friendly

42. Xanthochroic – Having yellowish skin or hair

43. Xerostomia – Dry mouth

44. Xylographically – In a manner related to wood engraving

45. Xenophobe – Person who fears foreigners

46. Xeroxed – Photocopied

47. Xylophagous – Feeding on wood

48. Xenophilia – Love or attraction towards foreigners

49. Xerocopy – Photocopy

50. Xenodiagnosis – Diagnosis using live vectors

51. Xerothermic – Thriving in hot and dry conditions

52. Xylographer – Wood engraver

53. Xyster – Surgical instrument for scraping bones

54. Xerochilia – Dry lips

55. Xylography – Woodblock printing

56. Xeroderma – Dry skin

57. Xerophilous – Adapted to dry conditions

58. Xenotransplantation – Transplantation of organs between species

59. Xerosis – Abnormal dryness

60. Xylograph – Wood engraving

61. Xylocarp – Woody fruit

62. Xenophagy – Eating foreigners

63. Xerophagy – Eating dry food or fasting

64. Xystarch – Governor of a gymnasion

65. Xenoestrogen – Chemical with estrogenic effects from outside the body

66. Xiphoiditis – Inflammation

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