Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet W


 Here is a list of  words starting with the letter “W” along with their synonyms:

1. Wander – Roam, Ramble, Meander

2. Want – Desire, Crave, Long for

3. Warm – Hot, Heated, Toasty

4. Watch – Observe, Monitor, Survey

5. Wealth – Riches, Prosperity, Affluence

6. Whisper – Murmur, Mumble, Hush

7. Wild – Untamed, Feral, Savage

8. Wisdom – Knowledge, Understanding, Insight

9. Wise – Intelligent, Smart, Sagacious

10. Wonderful – Marvelous, Fantastic, Amazing

11. Worry – Anxious, Distressed, Concerned

12. Wrap – Envelop, Encase, Swaddle

13. Wreck – Destroy, Ruin, Demolish

14. Wrong – Incorrect, Mistaken, False

15. Walk – Stroll, Hike, Amble

16. Wanton – Indulgent, Luxurious, Extravagant

17. Wane – Diminish, Decline, Decrease

18. War – Conflict, Battle, Warfare

19. Water – H2O, Aqua, Fluid

20. Weak – Feeble, Frail, Debilitated

21. Weather – Climate, Meteorology, Atmosphere

22. Web – Network, Internet, Mesh

23. Weep – Cry, Sob, Wail

24. Well – Healthy, Fit, Sound

25. Wet – Damp, Moist, Soggy

26. Whimsical – Playful, Capricious, Quirky

27. White – Ivory, Snowy, Pale

28. Whole – Entire, Complete, Full

29. Wide – Broad, Spacious, Vast

30. Wicked – Evil, Sinister, Malevolent

31. Wildfire – Blaze, Inferno, Conflagration

32. Willing – Ready, Eager, Prepared

33. Win – Succeed, Triumph, Prevail

34. Wind – Breeze, Gust, Zephyr

35. Winter – Cold, Snowy, Frosty

36. Wisdom – Knowledge, Insight, Understanding

37. Witch – Sorceress, Enchantress, Magician

38. Wit – Humor, Cleverness, Intelligence

39. Witness – Observe, See, Perceive

40. Woman – Female, Lady, Womanhood

41. Wonderful – Marvelous, Amazing, Fantastic

42. Wood – Timber, Lumber, Forest

43. Work – Labor, Job, Task

44. World – Earth, Globe, Universe

45. Worry – Concern, Anxiety, Distress

46. Worship – Adore, Venerate, Reverence

47. Worthy – Deserving, Meritorious, Valuable

48. Wrath – Anger, Rage, Fury

49. Write – Compose, Pen, Inscribe

50. Wrong – Incorrect, Mistaken, False

51. Waist – Midriff, Abdomen, Hips

52. Wait – Await, Anticipate, Expect

53. Wake – Awaken, Rouse, Stir

54. Walk – Stroll, Amble, Hike

55. Wall – Barrier, Partition, Fence

56. Want – Desire, Crave, Long for

57. War – Conflict, Battle, Warfare

58. Warm – Hot, Heated, Toasty

59. Warn – Caution, Alert, Forewarn

60. Wash – Clean, Rinse, Scrub

61. Waste – Squander, Misuse, Misspend

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