Preposition Of Manner.


The Importance of Preposition of Manner in English Language

Prepositions are an essential component of the English language.
They serve to establish a relationship between different parts of a sentence, and help convey the meaning more effectively. In essence, prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
Without prepositions, communication would be very difficult as sentences would lack clarity and precision.
One type of preposition that is particularly important is the preposition of manner.
In simple terms, a preposition of manner describes how something is done or the way in which it is done.
It provides additional information about the action taking place in a sentence and helps to create vivid images in the reader’s mind.
A preposition of manner helps us describe how people or things behave or perform actions in a particular way, adding detail and intricacy to our descriptions.
For instance, consider the following examples: “He spoke softly” versus “He spoke angrily”.
The former suggests quietness or tranquility while the latter implies hostility or aggression.
By using different prepositions to explain how something is being done – whether someone runs quickly or slowly – we can paint more nuanced pictures with our words that help readers understand what we mean without ambiguity.

What Are Prepositions?

Before diving deeper into what prepositions of manner are all about, it’s important we first define what prepositions are.
Prepositions are words that express relationships between various elements within a sentence by indicating location (“in”, “at”, “on”), time (“before”, “after”), direction (“to”, “from”), possession (“of”), etc..
These words typically come before nouns or pronouns but may also introduce adverbial phrases.
These small but vital components can significantly impact meaning within sentences by showing spatial relationships (e.g., “the book on the table”, “the cat under the bed”), time frames (e.g., “I will meet you after the party”) or indicating possession (e.g., “pictures of my family”).
Prepositions are a powerful tool in language that helps us convey messages correctly and coherently.

Definition of Preposition of Manner

A preposition of manner is a type of preposition that describes how something is done.
In other words, it shows the method used to carry out an action in a sentence.
The use of this preposition enhances the description by providing additional details about the action.
Some examples include:
– They worked diligently on their project.
– She sings beautifully.
– He types quickly on his keyboard.
By using prepositions of manner, we can add texture and detail to our sentences, making them more vibrant and interesting.
These elements help make our writing more expressive and engaging for readers.

Overview of Preposition of Manner

Prepositions are essential elements in English.
They help in indicating the relationship between different elements of a sentence.
A preposition of manner is one that establishes how an action occurs.
It clarifies the way something happens or is done. In simpler terms, it describes the manner or style of an action.

Definition and Explanation

A preposition of manner is a type of preposition that defines how an action takes place or how something is done.
It usually follows the verb and answers questions like “how?” or “in what way?”
For instance, consider the following sentence: “He walks with confidence.”
The preposition ‘with’ in this sentence is used to indicate how he walks – with confidence.
It’s worth noting that some adverbs can also act as prepositions of manner when they describe action. For example, words like ‘gracefully’ and ‘slowly’ can be used to describe how someone performs an activity.


Prepositions help provide context to sentences and are essential for communicating effectively in English.
Here are some examples to illustrate how prepositions of manner work:
– He sang with great passion.
– She ran quickly towards the finish line.
– They danced gracefully on stage.
– He spoke softly during his presentation.
– She played her violin skillfully.
In each example, the preposition provides additional information about how each action was performed.
Without these prepositions, it would be challenging to understand exactly what was going on in each sentence.
Prepositions offer precision and clarity when it comes to communication in English language by indicating what kind of relation exist between words in a sentence; hence understanding the different types is crucial for anyone looking forward to becoming fluent in writing and speaking English

Types of Prepositions of Manner

Prepositions of manner can be divided into two categories: adverbial prepositions and prepositional phrases.

Adverbial Prepositions

An adverbial preposition is a preposition that is used to describe the manner in which an action is performed.
Adverbial prepositions are often used with verbs and adjectives to describe how something is done or how it feels.
For example, the sentence
“He played the guitar skillfully” uses the adverbial preposition “skillfully” to describe how he played the guitar.
Without the adverbial preposition, we would not know how he played.
Other examples of adverbial prepositions include:
– The car ran smoothly on the highway.
– She sang beautifully at the concert.
– They danced gracefully across the stage.
In each of these examples, the adverbial preposition describes how something was done or felt.

Prepositional Phrases

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.
Prepositional phrases can also be used to describe manner, but they are typically longer than adverbial prepositions and provide more detail.
For example,
“The dog barked fiercely at the stranger” uses a prepositional phrase (“at the stranger”) to describe whom the dog barked at, while also using an adjectival modifier (“fiercely”) to describe how it barked.
Other examples of sentences using prepositional phrases include:
– She walked slowly with her hands in her pockets.
– He ate his food hungrily while staring at his phone.
– They laughed loudly at their own jokes.
In each example, both parts of the sentence work together to convey more detailed information about manner.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Prepositions of Manner

Preposition of manner, like all prepositions, can be tricky to use correctly.
It’s easy to make mistakes such as overusing or misusing prepositions that can lead to ambiguity and confusion in sentence structure.
Here are some common mistakes you should avoid when using preposition of manner:

Misuse or Overuse of Prepositions

One common mistake is using too many prepositions in a sentence. This can make the sentence wordy and difficult to understand.
For example, instead of saying “He walked with confidence on the street,”
it is better to say “He walked confidently on the street.”
The second sentence conveys the same meaning but is more concise.
Another mistake is using the wrong preposition.
For instance, saying “She sang with a beautiful voice”
instead of “She sang in a beautiful voice” changes the intended meaning from describing her voice tone (in) to adding an object (with).

Ambiguity or Confusion in Sentence Structure

Ambiguity occurs when it’s not clear what part of the sentence a preposition refers to
. For instance, saying “He spoke about his experience with his family”
could mean he was speaking about his experience while he was with his family or he was sharing his experience with them.
Confusion also arises when a phrase that describes an action appears far away from where it should be placed in a sentence structure.
For example, “With great difficulty I lifted the heavy box” could cause confusion because ‘with great difficulty’ seems unrelated until later into the sentence.
When writing sentences that contain prepositions of manner, ensure that you use them properly and sparingly for maximum clarity in your writing.

Tips for Using Prepositions of Manner

Prepositions of manner are important in English because they give an idea of how something is done.
It can be challenging to use them correctly, especially for non-native speakers. Here are some tips to improve your use of prepositions of manner.

Tip 1: Use Active Verbs

One way to make the use of prepositions of manner more effective is by using active verbs.
These are verbs that show actions that someone or something does.
For instance, instead of saying
“He walked,” you can say “He walked confidently” or “He walked slowly.”
The adverb in each sentence gives a better description as it shows how the person walks.

Tip 2: Use Prepositional Phrases Sparingly

Prepositional phrases are another way to indicate preposition of manner, but it’s essential to use them sparingly.
Overuse may make your sentences clunky and difficult to read.
A sentence like “She danced gracefully with a smile on her face while wearing her new dress” is too long and may confuse readers.
Instead, consider breaking it into two shorter sentences such as “She danced gracefully while wearing her new dress, a smile on her face.”

Tip 3: Avoid Redundancy

Another common mistake when using prepositions of manner is redundancy.
That means repeating the same idea twice in different words or adding unnecessary information that doesn’t add value to the sentence.
For example, saying “She spoke softly and whispered quietly” is redundant since speaking softly inherently means whispering quietly.


Preposition of manner plays an essential role in English grammar as they describe how something occurs or happens.
While it can be challenging at first, you can improve your usage through active verbs, using prepositional phrases sparingly, and avoiding redundancy.
As with all language learning, practice is the key to mastering prepositions of manner.
Keep practicing, and you will see yourself becoming more confident in using them in your writing and speech.

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