Parts of speech with examples/ Parts of speech in English


 Parts of speech

Parts of speech with examples

Part of speech is a term used in English grammar to describe one of the eight main categories into which words are grouped based on their roles in sentences, such as nouns and verbs. These are the basic blocks of grammar, also known as word classes.

There are eight components of speech that can be divided into:


• pronouns

• verbs

• adjectives

• adverbs

• prepositions

• conjunctions

• interactions

Depending on context and usage, certain words can be classified as multiple parts of speech.

• Interjections can stand alone and compose full phrases.

Every English phrase you write or say contains words from one of the eight components of speech. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,  and interjections all fall into this category.


A noun is a word used to name a person place thing or idea.

Parts of speech

Let’s explain you in a simple way

A noun is the name of everything.

Everything in this world has a name.  We can’t talk about anything without its name, so everything in this universe has a name belonging to a noun.

A noun is one of the most important words you use when speaking and writing.


Napoleon, United States,  man,  city,  book,  team, army, class, money, bread, coin silver, honesty, death.

Examples sentences of nouns:

1. Some birds cannot fly.

2. You have a book.

3. The class went out.

4. She is my friend

5. She goes to the park.

6. Napoleon’s brother has a bus.

7. This fruit is sweet.

8. The army is marching.

9. The baby girl is happy.

10. I saw a dream last night.


pronoun are those words that are used in place of a noun.

Parts of speech

Let me simply explain to you that if we talk about someone we often use his name once, and then we replace his name by the word he  every time comes in a sentence such as

Jim is a good businessman He works hard to grow his business He did a bachelor’s in business.


I, you, they, it, He, my, your, his, him, our, we, she

Examples sentences of pronoun:

1. I am a teacher.

2. You are my best friend.

3. She is a good girl.

4. He is Mr. Amer.

5. We are going to the park.

6. Our house is so beautiful.

7. They are going to Australia.

8. It is my beautiful parrot.

9. I will go to meet my mother tomorrow.

10. He is the best cricket man.


An adjective is a word that qualifies or adds to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.

Parts of speech

Let me explain to you in a simple way when we describe the quality or state of a thing, the quantity of a thing, and how many things are named.


Two brave boys are playing with a white little cat.

In the above sentence two, brave, white and little describe the nouns so they are called adjectives.


Great, pretty,  sweet, blue,  difficult,  old,  young,  red,  half,  some,  clever

Examples sentences of adjectives:

1. She is a pretty girl.

2. My father is a great man.

3. I like sweet dishes.

4. She wears red clothes.

5. He has a blue car.

6. They have seven different apartments.

7. It is my little cat.

8. Amir is a clever boy.

9. I need half of the bread.

10. I had some money to last for a month.


A Verb is a word or a group of words that shows some action performed or about the condition of a noun or pronoun.

Parts of speech

Let me simply explain to you:

Look at these example sentences

1. The boy eats.

2. The bus runs.

In these sentences verbs “eat” and “runs” tell us what a person or thing (does).

Now take some other example sentences.

1. I am a teacher.

2 .    Reni is a girl.

In these sentences, the verb “am”  and “is”  tell us what a person or thing (is).


Break, write,  read, run, drink, do, is, am,

Have, go.

Examples sentences of the verb:

1 She writes a letter to him.

2  My brother broke the mirror yesterday.

3 The runner runs very fast.

4 We will go to the park tomorrow.

5 She is a Nurse.

6 I have a nice pen.

7 She did her work very well.

8 My mother goes to the market every day.

9 We bought a new car.

10 My brother eats very fast.


An Adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

Parts of speech

Let me simply explain you.

Read the following sentences.

The motorbike fasts quickly.

She is a very fast runner.

They can sing so nicely.

In the above sentences, words quickly very and so are adverbs

In sentence 1, the word quickly has modified the verb past means

How did the motorbike pass?

It passed quickly.

In sentence 2 the word very has modified the meaning of the adjective fast

How fast can she run?

very fast.

In sentence 3, the word so has modified the meaning of the Adverb nicely

To what extent can they sing nicely?

So nicely.

An adverb answers the questions When? Where? How? Or How much?

They describe when, where, how, and why something happened and the amount and frequency of the occurrence.

An Adjective qualifies as a Noun or Pronoun whereas an Adverb modifies the meaning of a Verb and adjective or adverb.


twice, well, almost, now, sometimes, always, very

most adverbs are formed by adding ly to adjectives.

Adjective Adverb

near                nearly

bad                  badly

soft                  softly

slow.                slowly

hard                hardly

quick              quickly

Clever       Cleverly

Examples sentences of an adverb:

1. My husband eats quickly.

2. He entered the classroom quietly.

3. He always writes attentively.

4. She went out.

5. I will go early in the morning.

6. Martin worked hard.

7. They came to meet him.

8. He was never loyal to me.

9. We frequently go to the garden.

10. You did your duty well.


A preposition is a word (or group of words) that links a noun or pronoun to another word.

Parts of speech

A preposition placed before a noun or pronoun to show in what relation a person or a thing stands to something else.


He sits on the couch.

“On” shows the relation between “He” and “the couch” if we leave out the word  “on” there will be no sense in the sentence.

Some preposition is necessary whenever some relation is expressed between some noun (or pronoun).


in, on, between, by, with, inside, at, below, of, under

Examples sentences of the preposition:

1. They will come on Friday.

2. We will reach Australia in 2 days.

3. It was about 2 o’clock when she left the home.

4. The clouds are above the mountain.

5. Living things cannot live without air.

6. She looked at me in surprise.

7. I am speaking to my friend.

8. My father is proud of my brother.

9. She was standing behind the chair.

10. The class was full of students.


A conjunction is a word used for joining words, phrases, and clauses or sentences.

Parts of speech

Let me simply explain to you take an example

You and I are friends.

She did not go to school because she was ill.

In sentence one, the word and has joined two words (I and you)

In sentence two the word because has joined two sentences  (she did not go to school She was ill)

Conjunction joins a noun to a noun or noun to a pronoun, a verb to a verb, an adjective to an adjective, and an adverb to an adverb.


And, but, because, yet, if, unless, s e, as, then, that

Examples sentences of conjunction:

1. I told you that I was absent.

2. She Is happy because she got a job.

3. She Is not only honest but also intelligent.

4. You will not be successful unless you will walk hard.

5. Bring me a cup of coffee then I will go to the office.

6. Ten years have passed away since we met.

7. The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.

8. If at first, you don’t succeed, you must try again and again.

9. Slow and steady wins the race.

10. Hatred is blind as well as love.


Interjections are words used to express some sudden feelings or emotions.

Parts of speech

The words are given in italics and followed by exclamation marks and added to a sentence to convey an emotion.

An interjection is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence.


Different interjections are used for expressing different emotions.

Sorrow:  Alas!, Ah!, Oh!

Approval:   Bravo!, Hail!

Joy:    Hurrah!, Aha!

Greeting:   Aha!, Hallow!

Surprise:   Ha!, What!, Oh!,

Examples sentences of interjection:

1. Alas! My cat is dead.

2. Oh! You are here.

3. Hurrah! We won the match.

4. Hush! Keep quiet somebody is finding us.

5. Alas! Our leader is dead.

6. What! Is he still alive?

7. Bravo! You have done well.

8. Hi! How are you?

9. Ouch! That hurts!

10. Hurrah! The rain has stopped

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