Interjection definition, examples and types


Interjection definition, examples and types

 They are often used to show emotion in a sentence. In English grammar, there are several different types of interjections. This blog post will define what an interjection is, give examples of how they are used, and explain when it is appropriate to use them in a sentence. Let’s get started!

An interjection is used to show your feelings and emotions. These are the phrases or words that can be used to express exclamation, surprise, command, and attention

Words used as interjections are those that convey sudden or intense emotions.

For example 

Hallo! What are you doing here, men?

Alas! My parrot is dead.

Oh! You are here.

Hurrah! Our team won the match.

Hush! Keep quiet; somebody is coming.

It doesn’t have any grammatical connections to any other words or sentences. Interjections never serve as the subject or the object.

Interjections are not always grammatically correct, but they can add emphasis to a sentence. For example, the interjection “Wow!” is a common way to express surprise or admiration.

Kinds of Interjection with examples:

Each type of Interjection can be used in a variety of ways. For example, the interjection. 

“Wow!” is a common way to convey surprise, appreciation, or enthusiasm. 

“Ouch!” can be used to express pain or discomfort. 

“Yum!” can be used to express the enjoyment of food.

“Aww!” can be used to show compassion or sympathy.

Different Interjections are used for expressing different


1. Joy: Hurrah!, Huzza!, Aha!

2. Sorrow: Alas!, Ah!, Oh!

3. Approval: Bravo!, Hail!

4 Surprise: Ha!, What!, Oh!

5. Greeting: Hallow!, Aha!


Certain phrases or groups of words are also used to

express some sudden feeling or emotion

Surprise: Ah me! Good heavens! My my! Good God’

Approval: Well done!

Disapproval: Shame! Shame! 

There are several different types of Interjections in English grammar. Some of the most common ones include:

For joy :

Use these interjection words, such as “hurrah,” to convey your happiness. Wow! I love it!

For example 

Hurrah! Ha! Ha! Wow!

Example sentences 

Ha! Today she was very happy. 

Wow! It is a beautiful hotel.

For sorrow: 

 You use interjectional phrases like Ah! when you want to convey your sadness. Ah me! Alas!

For example 

Ah! Ah me! Alas! 

Example sentences

Ah! I have lost my mother’s watch.

Alas! She has lost her mother.

For Surprise: 

Use these interjection words, such as Oh!, to convey your feelings of surprise. 

For example 

Oh! What! Well 

Example sentences

What! Is it true that you got admission to Harvard?

Oh! You caught a criminal, I can’t believe this. 

For Approval :

Use these interjections, such as “well done,” to show your approval for any task.

For example 

well done! O.K! Bravo 

Example sentences 

Well done! You are a great employer.

Bravo! You won the game.

For Greeting :

Use interjectional phrases like “Hello” when calling someone for whatever reason. 

For example 

Halloo! Ho!

Example sentences

Hello! Why are you staring at me 

Hello! please come here.

For Attention :

Use these interjections, such as Listen, when asking someone to pay attention. 

For example 

Listen! Look! Behold! Hush. 

Example sentences

Listen! To me.

Behold! The movie will start soon.

Each type of Interjection can be used in a variety of ways. For example, the interjection “Wow!”

 Can be used to express surprise, admiration, or excitement. “Ouch!” can be used to express pain or discomfort. “Yum!” can be used to express the enjoyment of food. “Aww!” can be used to express sympathy or compassion.

When choosing an Interjection, it is important to consider the context of the sentence. Interjections are often used for emphasis, so it is important to use them sparingly. Interjections can also be overused, which can make a sentence sound choppy or unprofessional. If you are unsure of when to use an Interjection, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using one altogether.

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