Humble meaning synonym antonym and sentences

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The word “humble” has several meanings, including:

  1. Modest or lowly in attitude or status: “She’s a humble person who doesn’t like to draw attention to herself.”
  2. Not proud or arrogant; willing to learn or take advice: “He’s humble enough to admit when he’s wrong.”
  3. Unpretentious or unassuming; not showy or flashy: “The humble cottage was a cozy retreat from the city.”
  4. Having a modest or lowly opinion of oneself; free from pride or self-importance: “She’s humble about her achievements and credits her team for their support.”
  5. Willing to serve or help others; not seeking to elevate oneself: “He’s humble in his service to others, always putting their needs first.”

In general, “humble” implies a sense of modesty, humility, and lack of pretension or arrogance. It can describe a person’s attitude, behavior, or character, and is often used to express admiration or approval.

Note that “humble” can also be used in idiomatic expressions, such as:

  • “Humble beginnings” (a phrase used to describe someone’s origins or early life)
  • “Humble pie” (a phrase used to describe a situation where someone is forced to apologize or show humility)
  • “Eat humble pie” (a phrase used to describe the act of apologizing or showing humility)
  • Here are the synonyms and antonyms for the word “humble”:


  1. Modest
  2. Unassuming
  3. Lowly
  4. Meek
  5. Mild
  6. Unpretentious
  7. Simple
  8. Unambitious
  9. Self-effacing
  10. Humble-minded


  1. Arrogant
  2. Proud
  3. Haughty
  4. Conceited
  5. Boastful
  6. Pretentious
  7. Superior
  8. Overbearing
  9. Self-important
  10. Egotistical

Note that some of these antonyms may have varying degrees of opposition to “humble”, depending on the context in which the word is used. For example, “proud” can sometimes be a positive trait, while “arrogant” is generally more negative.

Also, keep in mind that “humble” can have different connotations depending on the context, such as:

  • Humility (a virtue)
  • Humbleness (a personality trait)
  • Humiliation (a negative experience).

sentences with humble:

  • Here are some example sentences using the word “humble”:
  1. She’s a humble person who always gives credit to her team.
  2. He’s humble about his achievements and never seeks to draw attention to himself.
  3. The humble beginnings of the company are a testament to its founder’s hard work.
  4. She’s humble enough to admit when she’s wrong and apologize.
  5. The humble monk lived a simple life, devoted to serving others.
  6. He’s a humble leader who listens to his people and makes decisions for the greater good.
  7. The humble pie she had to eat was a hard lesson to swallow.
  8. He’s humble in his success and never forgets where he came from.
  9. The humble cottage was a cozy retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.
  10. She’s a humble artist who creates beauty without seeking fame or fortune.

And here are some more sentences:

  1. The humble apology he offered was a step towards healing the relationship.
  2. She’s humble in her knowledge and always seeks to learn more.
  3. The humble farmer worked tirelessly to provide for his family.
  4. He’s a humble hero who saved lives without seeking recognition.
  5. The humble student was eager to learn from his mistakes.
  6. She’s a humble teacher who inspires her students to reach their full potential.
  7. The humble community came together to support those in need.
  8. He’s a humble athlete who credits his team for their victory.
  9. The humble scientist made a groundbreaking discovery without seeking to profit from it.
  10. She’s a humble writer who shares her stories to inspire others.

Note that “humble” can be used in various contexts to describe a person’s attitude, behavior, or character, and is often used to express admiration or approval.

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