Future Progressive Tense


The future progressive tense, also known as the future continuous tense, is used to describe an ongoing action that will happen in the future.

It is formed by using the future tense of the verb “to be” (will be) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

Here are some examples of the future progressive tense:

1. I will be studying for my exam tomorrow.

2. She will be working on her project all day.

3. We will be traveling to Paris next week.

4. They will be eating dinner at the restaurant tonight.

5. He will be sleeping when you arrive.

6. The team will be practicing for the match this evening.

In these examples, the action indicated by the main verb is ongoing or continuous, and it will be happening in the future at a specific point in time.

The future progressive tense is useful for describing planned or predicted actions that will be in progress at a given future moment.


The formula or structure of the future progressive tense is as follows:

Subject + will be + present participle (verb + -ing)

Here’s a breakdown of each component:

1. Subject:

The noun or pronoun that performs the action.

2. will be:

The future tense of the verb “to be,” which indicates that the action will take place in the future.

3. present participle:

The base form of the verb + -ing, which indicates an ongoing or continuous action.


1. I will be studying for my exam tomorrow.

2. She will be working on her project all day.

3. We will be traveling to Paris next week.

4. They will be eating dinner at the restaurant tonight.

5. He will be sleeping when you arrive.

6. The team will be practicing for the match this evening.

In each example, the structure follows the formula mentioned above, with the subject, “will be,” and the present participle form of the verb.

Here’s the breakdown of the structure of the future progressive tense in positive, negative, and interrogative forms:

1. Positive:

Subject + will be + present participle (verb + -ing)

Example: She will be working on her project all day.

2. Negative:

Subject + will not (won’t) be + present participle (verb + -ing)

Example: They won’t be attending the meeting tomorrow.

3. Interrogative:

Will + subject + be + present participle (verb + -ing)?

Example: Will you be coming to the party tonight?

Let’s see these structures applied to the same example sentence:


Subject: She

will be: will be

present participle: working

Resulting sentence: She will be working on her project all day.


Subject: They

will not (won’t) be: won’t be

present participle: attending

Resulting sentence: They won’t be attending the meeting tomorrow.


Will: Will

subject: you

be: be

present participle: coming

Resulting sentence: Will you be coming to the party tonight?

By modifying the auxiliary verb “will” and adding “not” for the negative form, as well as rearranging the sentence structure for interrogative form, you can create sentences in the future progressive tense in positive, negative, and interrogative forms.


Here are some rules to keep in mind when using the future progressive tense:

1. Formation:

The future progressive tense is formed by using the future tense of the verb “to be” (will be) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb. For example: “She will be working.”

2. Indication of future time:

The future progressive tense is used to indicate an ongoing action that will happen in the future. It suggests that the action will be in progress at a specific point in time.

3. Duration and continuity:

The future progressive tense emphasizes the duration and continuity of the action in the future. It suggests that the action will be ongoing for a period of time.

4. Auxiliary verb “will”:

The auxiliary verb “will” is used to indicate the future tense. It is followed by the auxiliary verb “be” and the present participle of the main verb.

5. Negative form:

To create the negative form of the future progressive tense, add “not” after the auxiliary verb “will,” which can be contracted to “won’t.” For example: “They won’t be attending.”

6. Interrogative form:

In the interrogative form, invert the subject and the auxiliary verb “will.” For example: “Will you be coming?”

7. Time adverbs:

Time adverbs such as “tomorrow,” “next week,” or “tonight” are often used in conjunction with the future progressive tense to specify when the action will occur.

8. Planning and intentions:

The future progressive tense is commonly used to talk about planned or predicted actions in the future.

These rules provide a general framework for understanding and constructing sentences in the future progressive tense.


Explaining the future progressive tense to students can be done in a simple and understandable way.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Introduce the concept:

Start by explaining that the future progressive tense is used to talk about actions that will be happening in the future and will be ongoing or in progress.

2. Use familiar examples:

Provide familiar examples to help students grasp the concept. For instance, you can say, “Tomorrow, I will be studying for my exam.” Explain that the action of studying will be ongoing in the future at a specific time.

3. Discuss the structure:

Break down the structure of the future progressive tense by highlighting the following components:

– Subject: The noun or pronoun performing the action.

– “Will be”: The future tense of the verb “to be.”

– Present participle: The base form of the verb + -ing, indicating an ongoing or continuous action.

4. Give more examples:

Offer additional examples to reinforce understanding. For instance:

– “She will be playing soccer after school.”

– “We will be having dinner at the restaurant tonight.”

5. Highlight time adverbs:

Explain that time adverbs such as “tomorrow,” “next week,” or “tonight” are often used with the future progressive tense to specify when the action will occur.

6. Compare with present progressive tense:

Draw a comparison between the future progressive tense and the present progressive tense.

Explain that the present progressive tense is used for ongoing actions in the present, while the future progressive tense focuses on ongoing actions in the future.

7. Practice exercises:

Provide practice exercises where students need to form sentences in the future progressive tense. Encourage them to create their own sentences using different subjects and verbs.

8. Encourage usage and reinforcement:

Encourage students to incorporate the future progressive tense in their speaking and writing. Provide opportunities for them to use it in discussions, presentations, or written assignments.

9. Review and clarify doubts:

Conclude the explanation by reviewing the main points and addressing any questions or doubts the students may have.

By breaking down the concept, providing examples, and offering opportunities for practice and application, students can develop a solid understanding of the future progressive tense.

Certainly! Here are 10 sentences for you to practice the future progressive tense:


1. I (watch) _______________ a movie tomorrow evening.

2. They (travel) _______________ to Europe next summer.

3. She (study) _______________ for her exam all day on Saturday.

4. We (have) _______________ a picnic in the park next Sunday.

5. He (work) _______________ on his project tomorrow morning.

6. The team (practice) _______________ for the game next week.

7. Jenny and Mark (go) _______________ to the concert on Friday.

8. The children (play) _______________ in the backyard this afternoon.

9. My parents (visit) _______________ us next month.

10. The students (prepare) _______________ for the school play next week.


1. I will be watching a movie tomorrow evening.

2. They will be traveling to Europe next summer.

3. She will be studying for her exam all day on Saturday.

4. We will be having a picnic in the park next Sunday.

5. He will be working on his project tomorrow morning.

6. The team will be practicing for the game next week.

7. Jenny and Mark will be going to

the concert on Friday.

8. The children will be playing in the backyard this afternoon.

9. My parents will be visiting us next month.

10. The students will be preparing for the school play next week.

Learn more Tenses

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