Arrive meaning/ synonym and antonym/ sentences with arrive

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The verb “arrive” means to reach a place or destination, often after traveling or moving. It can also imply a sense of completion or fulfillment, as in “the moment of arrival”.

Some examples of how “arrive” might be used in a sentence:

  1. “She arrived at the airport an hour before her flight.”
  2. “The package arrived yesterday, but it was damaged.”
  3. “The storm is expected to arrive tonight, so please prepare.”
  4. “He arrived at the party around 10 pm.”
  5. “The moment of arrival was a relief after the long journey.”

Remember, “arrive” can be used in various contexts, such as physical travel, metaphorical journeys, or even the arrival of a idea or concept.


Here are some synonyms for the word “arrive”:

  1. Reach
  2. Land
  3. Get to
  4. Come to
  5. Turn up
  6. Show up
  7. Appear
  8. Materialize
  9. Pull in
  10. Dock


Here are some antonyms for the word “arrive”:

  1. Depart
  2. Leave
  3. Go away
  4. Disappear
  5. Vanish
  6. Move away
  7. Exit
  8. Withdraw
  9. Retreat
  10. Take off

Some of these antonyms may have varying degrees of opposition to “arrive”, depending on the context in which they are used.

For example:

  • “Depart” is a strong antonym for “arrive”, implying a sense of leaving or going away.
  • “Exit” is another antonym, implying a sense of leaving or going out.
  • “Disappear” is an antonym that implies a sense of vanishing or ceasing to exist.

On the other hand, “take off” could be seen as an antonym in the context of travel, implying a sense of leaving or departing.

O, understanding the nuances of word meanings and connotations can help you use language more effectively and precisely!

Sentences with arrive:

Here are some example sentences using the verb “arrive”:

  1. The train is scheduled to arrive at 5 PM.
  2. She arrived at the party looking stunning in her new dress.
  3. The package arrived yesterday, but it was damaged during shipping.
  4. The storm is expected to arrive tonight, so please prepare accordingly.
  5. He arrived at the airport an hour before his flight.
  6. The moment of arrival was a relief after the long and tiring journey.
  7. The new employee is expected to arrive on Monday to start her new role.
  8. The bus arrived late, so we had to wait for an hour.
  9. The doctor arrived at the hospital to perform the emergency surgery.
  10. The ship arrived at the port after a long voyage across the ocean.
  11. The guests began to arrive at the wedding venue around 2 PM.
  12. The police arrived at the scene of the accident to investigate.
  13. The plane arrived safely at the destination despite the turbulence.
  14. The new book arrived at the bookstore yesterday, and it’s already a bestseller.
  15. The tourists arrived at the hotel exhausted after their long trip.

Remember, “arrive” can be used in various contexts, such as physical travel, metaphorical journeys, or even the arrival of an idea or concept.
These sentences illustrate how “arrive” can be used in different situations to convey the idea of reaching a destination or point.

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