Adverbs That Start With The Letter D

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “D,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Daily – occurring every day.
  • She reads the newspaper daily.
  • Daintily – in a delicate and graceful manner.
  • She sipped her tea daintily.

Daringly – in a bold or audacious manner.

  • He daringly jumped from the cliff into the water.
  • Darkly – in a threatening or ominous manner.
  • He spoke darkly of the coming storm.
  • Dashingly – in an attractive, adventurous, or stylish manner.
  • He looked dashingly handsome in his tuxedo.
  • Deadly – in a manner causing or likely to cause death.
  • The snake struck deadly at its prey.
  • Dearly – with deep affection; at a high cost.
  • She paid dearly for her mistake.
  • Deceitfully – in a dishonest or misleading manner.
  • He acted deceitfully to get what he wanted.
  • Decently – in a proper or respectable manner.
  • She dressed decently for the formal event.
  • Deceptively – in a way that gives a false impression.
    • The house appeared deceptively small from the outside.
  • Decidedly – without doubt; undeniably.
    • She was decidedly the best candidate for the job.
  • Decisively – in a way that shows the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
    • He acted decisively to prevent an accident.
  • Deeply – to a great depth; intensely.
    • He was deeply moved by the speech.
  • Defiantly – in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience.
    • She defiantly refused to leave.
  • Deliberately – intentionally; on purpose.
    • He deliberately ignored her calls.
  • Delicately – in a careful and gentle manner.
    • She handled the fragile vase delicately.
  • Delightfully – in a manner that causes great pleasure.
    • The children laughed delightfully at the clown.
  • Densely – in a closely compacted or crowded manner.
    • The forest was densely packed with trees.
  • Dependably – in a reliable and trustworthy manner.
    • He performed his duties dependably.
  • Desperately – in a way that shows despair or a great need.
    • She looked around desperately for help.
  • Determinedly – in a manner showing firm determination.
    • He worked determinedly to finish the project.
  • Devotedly – with great loyalty and affection.
    • She cared for her parents devotedly.
  • Differently – in a way that is not the same as another.
    • They approached the problem differently.
  • Diligently – in a way that shows care and conscientiousness.
    • She studied diligently for the exam.
  • Dimly – in a faint or weak manner.
    • The room was dimly lit by a single lamp.
  • Directly – in a straight line or manner; without intervening factors.
    • He spoke directly to the manager.
  • Discreetly – in a careful and prudent manner to avoid embarrassment or offense.
    • She discreetly handed him the note.
  • Distinctly – in a way that is clearly noticeable; unmistakably.
    • She could distinctly hear the sound of the waves.
  • Distressingly – in a manner that causes anxiety or sorrow.
    • The news was distressingly bad.
  • Doubtfully – in a manner that shows uncertainty.
    • She looked at him doubtfully.
  • Dramatically – in a striking or impressive manner.
    • The scenery changed dramatically as we ascended the mountain.
  • Dreamily – in a way that suggests someone is lost in thought.
    • She stared dreamily out the window.
  • Dreadfully – in a way that causes fear or terror.
    • He screamed dreadfully during the horror movie.
  • Dressily – in a manner that involves elegant or stylish clothing.
    • She arrived dressily for the gala.
  • Drily – in a matter-of-fact or ironically humorous way.
    • He drily remarked on the situation’s absurdity.
  • Dubiously – in a doubtful or uncertain manner.
    • She looked at the proposal dubiously.
  • Dully – in a boring or monotonous manner.
    • The lecture was presented dully, putting everyone to sleep.
  • Dutifully – in a conscientious or obedient manner.
    • He dutifully completed all his assignments.
  • Dynamically – in a manner characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
    • The company is dynamically adapting to the market.
  • Dangerously – in a manner that could cause harm or injury.
    • He drove dangerously fast on the icy roads.
  • Deafeningly – in an extremely loud manner.
    • The concert was deafeningly loud.
  • Decisively – with determination and firmness.
    • She decisively ended the debate.
  • Deftly – in a skillful and quick manner.
    • The pianist’s fingers moved deftly across the keys.
  • Demurely – in a reserved, modest, or shy manner.
    • She smiled demurely at the compliment.
  • Densely – with a high concentration of something in a small area.
    • The fog settled densely over the town.
  • Desirably – in a manner that is wanted or wished for.
    • The house is desirably located near the beach.
  • Dexterously – in a skillful and nimble manner, especially with the hands.
    • The surgeon worked dexterously.
  • Dismally – in a gloomy or depressing manner.
    • The weather was dismally cold and wet.
  • Doggedly – in a manner that shows tenacity and persistence.
    • She pursued her goals doggedly despite the challenges.
  • Downright – to an extreme degree; thoroughly.
    • His behavior was downright rude.

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