Adverbs That Start With Letter C

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “C,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Calmly – in a peaceful and quiet manner.
  • She calmly explained the situation.
  • Carefully – in a way that avoids harm or errors; with attention to detail.
  • He carefully painted the intricate design.
  • Carelessly – in a way that shows a lack of attention or concern.
  • She carelessly left her phone on the bus.
  • Cautiously – in a way that avoids danger or risks.
  • He cautiously crossed the icy street.
  • Certainly – without doubt; surely.
  • She will certainly be at the meeting.
  • Cheerfully – in a happy and optimistic manner.
  • He cheerfully greeted his coworkers every morning.
  • Clearly – in a way that is easy to see, hear, or understand.
  • She clearly outlined the project’s goals.
  • Cleverly – in an intelligent and skillful manner.
  • He cleverly solved the puzzle.
  • Closely – in a way that is near in space or time.
  • They worked closely on the project.
  • Coherently – in a logical and consistent manner.
    • She coherently presented her argument.
  • Coldly – in an unfriendly or unemotional manner.
    • He responded coldly to the suggestion.
  • Collectively – as a group or whole.
    • The team collectively decided to take a break.
  • Comfortably – in a way that provides physical ease and relaxation.
    • She sat comfortably on the sofa.
  • Comically – in a humorous or amusing manner.
    • The clown comically exaggerated his movements.
  • Commonly – usually; generally.
    • This plant is commonly found in tropical regions.
  • Compassionately – in a way that shows concern for others’ suffering.
    • She spoke compassionately to the grieving family.
  • Completely – totally; entirely.
    • He completely forgot about the appointment.
  • Confidently – with self-assurance.
    • She confidently answered all the questions.
  • Consciously – with full awareness.
    • He consciously chose to take the longer route.
  • Consecutively – one after another in sequence.
    • He won the race for three years consecutively.
  • Constantly – continuously over a period of time.
    • The baby constantly demanded attention.
  • Contentedly – in a satisfied and happy manner.
    • She sighed contentedly after a long day.
  • Continuously – without interruption.
    • The machine ran continuously for 24 hours.
  • Conveniently – in a way that is easy to use or access.
    • The store is conveniently located near the station.
  • Coolly – in a calm and composed manner.
    • He coolly handled the crisis.
  • Correctly – in a way that is free from error; accurately.
    • She correctly answered all the questions on the test.
  • Courageously – in a brave and fearless manner.
    • He courageously stood up to the bully.
  • Courteously – in a polite and respectful manner.
    • She courteously thanked the host for the meal.
  • Covertly – in a secret or hidden manner.
    • The agent covertly gathered information.
  • Creatively – in an imaginative and original manner.
    • She solved the problem creatively.
  • Critically – in a way that expresses disapproval or analytical evaluation.
    • He looked at the proposal critically.
  • Cruelly – in a manner that causes pain or suffering.
    • The villain laughed cruelly at the hero’s plight.
  • Curiously – in a manner that shows eagerness to know or learn something.
    • The child looked curiously at the new toy.
  • Cyclically – in a manner that occurs in cycles.
    • The seasons change cyclically each year.
  • Candidly – in an open and honest manner.
    • She candidly shared her thoughts on the matter.
  • Casually – in a relaxed and informal manner.
    • He casually mentioned his weekend plans.
  • Ceremoniously – in a manner that is formal and grand.
    • They ceremoniously cut the ribbon at the opening.
  • Chaotically – in a state of complete confusion and disorder.
    • The office was chaotically disorganized during the move.
  • Charmingly – in a pleasant and attractive manner.
    • He smiled charmingly at his date.
  • Chronically – in a manner that is persistent or long-lasting.
    • She suffers chronically from migraines.
  • Clinically – in a way that is related to medical treatment; unemotionally analytical.
    • The doctor examined the patient clinically.
  • Collectively – together as a whole.
    • They collectively decided to take action.
  • Colorfully – in a vibrant and varied manner.
    • The artist colorfully depicted the landscape.
  • Comparatively – to a moderate degree as compared to something else.
    • The test was comparatively easier than the previous one.
  • Competitively – in a manner that strives to be better than others.
    • She trained competitively for the marathon.
  • Complacently – in a self-satisfied manner.
    • He complacently accepted the praise.
  • Complementarily – in a way that completes or enhances another.
    • Their skills complementarily combined to create a successful team.
  • Comprehensively – in a thorough and complete manner.
    • The report comprehensively covered all aspects of the issue.
  • Concurrently – occurring at the same time.
    • The two events were scheduled concurrently.
  • Conspicuously – in a way that is easily seen or noticed; attractively.
    • She conspicuously wore the bright red dress at the party.

These adverbs provide a wide range of descriptive options to enrich your writing!

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