Adverbs That Start With E

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “E,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Eagerly – with keen or enthusiastic desire.
  • She eagerly awaited the arrival of her friends.
  • Earnestly – with sincere and intense conviction.
  • He earnestly pleaded for a second chance.
  • Easily – without difficulty or effort.
  • She easily solved the math problem.
  • Economically – in a way that relates to economics or efficiency.
  • They lived economically to save money for their trip.
  • Eerily – in a strange and frightening manner.
  • The abandoned house stood eerily quiet.
  • Effectively – in a manner that produces a desired result.
  • She communicated her ideas effectively.
  • Efficiently – in a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort.
  • The new software runs efficiently.
  • Effortlessly – in a manner requiring no physical or mental exertion.
  • He danced effortlessly across the stage.
  • Elaborately – in a detailed and complicated manner.
  • The room was elaborately decorated for the party.
  • Elegantly – in a graceful and stylish manner.
    • She dressed elegantly for the gala.
  • Eloquently – in a fluent and persuasive manner.
    • The lawyer argued eloquently in court.
  • Elsewhere – in, at, or to another place.
    • She looked for her keys elsewhere after not finding them in her bag.
  • Emanately – in a manner that comes out from a source.
    • The light emanated brightly from the lighthouse.
  • Emotionally – in a manner that shows strong feelings.
    • She spoke emotionally about her experiences.
  • Empathetically – in a manner that shows understanding of others’ feelings.
    • He listened empathetically to his friend’s problems.
  • Emphatically – in a forceful way.
    • She emphatically denied the accusations.
  • Endlessly – in a manner that seems to have no end.
    • They talked endlessly about their favorite books.
  • Energetically – with a lot of energy or enthusiasm.
    • The children played energetically in the park.
  • Enigmatically – in a puzzling or mysterious manner.
    • He smiled enigmatically, leaving everyone wondering what he meant.
  • Enormously – to a very great degree or extent.
    • The new skyscraper is enormously tall.
  • Enough – to the required degree or extent.
    • She didn’t study enough for the exam.
  • Entirely – completely; wholly.
    • The project was entirely her own work.
  • Enthusiastically – with great excitement or interest.
    • He enthusiastically joined the discussion.
  • Equally – in the same manner or to the same extent.
    • The prize money was equally divided among the winners.
  • Erectly – in an upright position.
    • She sat erectly in her chair, paying full attention.
  • Especially – particularly; exceptionally.
    • She loves all fruit, especially strawberries.
  • Essentially – in essence; fundamentally.
    • The two proposals are essentially different in their approach.
  • Eternally – lasting forever.
    • He promised to love her eternally.
  • Ethically – in a manner that is morally right.
    • The company aims to operate ethically.
  • Eventually – in the end, especially after a long delay.
    • He eventually found the answer after much research.
  • Evidently – clearly; obviously.
    • He was evidently pleased with the results.
  • Exactly – in an exact manner; precisely.
    • She followed the instructions exactly.
  • Exceedingly – to an extreme degree.
    • The movie was exceedingly entertaining.
  • Exceptionally – to a greater degree than normal; unusually.
    • She performed exceptionally well in the competition.
  • Exclusively – solely; to the exclusion of others.
    • The event was exclusively for members.
  • Exhaustively – in a thorough and comprehensive manner.
    • The report was exhaustively researched.
  • Expediently – in a manner that is convenient and practical.
    • The task was completed expediently.
  • Expensively – in a manner that costs a lot of money.
    • They dined expensively at the five-star restaurant.
  • Explicitly – in a clear and detailed manner.
    • The rules were explicitly stated.
  • Expressively – in a manner that conveys thought or feeling effectively.
    • She sang the song expressively.
  • Extensively – to a large extent; widely.
    • The topic has been extensively studied.
  • Externally – on the outside or outer part.
    • The damage was externally visible.
  • Extraordinarily – in a very unusual or remarkable way.
    • He is an extraordinarily talented musician.
  • Exuberantly – with lively energy and excitement.
    • The crowd cheered exuberantly.
  • Exultantly – in a manner that shows great happiness or triumph.
    • The team exultantly celebrated their victory.
  • Eccentrically – in a manner that is unconventional or strange.
    • He dressed eccentrically for the party.
  • Effectually – in a manner that produces the desired effect.
    • The remedy worked effectually to relieve the pain.
  • Egotistically – in a manner that shows self-centeredness.
    • He spoke egotistically about his achievements.
  • Elegantly – with grace and style.
    • She walked elegantly down the runway.
  • Erratically – in an unpredictable or inconsistent manner.
    • The car moved erratically across the road.

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