Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet V


Here’s the list of words starting with the letter “V” along with their synonyms

1. Vacant – Empty, unoccupied

2. Vacillate – Waver, hesitate

3. Valid – Legitimate, sound

4. Valuable – Precious, prized

5. Vanish – Disappear, fade

6. Variable – Changeable, fluctuating

7. Vast – Immense, extensive

8. Veer – Change direction, swerve

9. Venerate – Respect, revere

10. Veracity – Truthfulness, accuracy

11. Verbose – Wordy, long-winded

12. Versatile – Adaptable, flexible

13. Vibrant – Lively, energetic

14. Vicinity – Proximity, neighborhood

15. Vigilant – Watchful, alert

16. Vilify – Defame, slander

17. Vintage – Classic, old-fashioned

18. Violate – Break, infringe

19. Virtue – Goodness, morality

20. Vital – Essential, crucial

21. Vivacious – Lively, animated

22. Vocation – Profession, calling

23. Void – Empty, vacant

24. Volatile – Unstable, unpredictable

25. Volume – Quantity, size

26. Volunteer – Offer, contribute

27. Voracious – Insatiable, ravenous

28. Vow – Pledge, promise

29. Voyage – Journey, trip

30. Vortex – Whirlpool, spiral

31. Vague – Unclear, ambiguous

32. Valor – Bravery, courage

33. Vanquish – Conquer, defeat

34. Vanity – Conceit, narcissism

35. Vault – Safe, storage

36. Vehement – Passionate, intense

37. Vendor – Seller, supplier

38. Verge – Edge, boundary

39. Verify – Confirm, authenticate

40. Vernacular – Slang, dialect

41. Versed – Knowledgeable, experienced

42. Vestige – Remnant, trace

43. Veteran – Experienced, seasoned

44. Vicarious – Indirect, secondary

45. Vindicate – Justify, defend

46. Violent – Fierce, aggressive

47. Virulent – Venomous, poisonous

48. Visionary – Imaginative, innovative

49. Vitality – Energy, vigor

50. Vivid – Lively, vibrant

51. Voice – Express, articulate

52. Voluntary – Willing, optional

53. Vow – Oath, pledge

54. Vulnerable – Defenseless, susceptible

55. Vanish – Disappear, evaporate

56. Vital – Essential, necessary

57. Voracious – Ravenous, insatiable

58. Vanity – Conceit, narcissism

59. Vault – Strongroom, repository

60. Vehement – Passionate, fervent

61. Vendor – Seller, merchant

62. Verge – Edge, border

63. Verify – Confirm, authenticate

64. Vernacular – Dialect, language

65. Versed – Knowledgeable, skilled

66. Vestige – Trace, remnant

67. Veteran – Experienced, seasoned

68. Vicarious – Indirect, secondhand

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