Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet T



Here’s a list of words starting with the letter “T” along with their synonyms:

1. Tactful – Diplomatic, discreet

2. Talented – Gifted, skilled

3. Tangible – Perceptible, palpable

4. Tantalize – Tempt, tease

5. Taut – Tight, tense

6. Tedious – Monotonous, boring

7. Temperate – Moderate, mild

8. Tenacious – Persistent, determined

9. Tender – Gentle, soft

10. Terrific – Fantastic, marvelous

11. Thrive – Flourish, prosper

12. Timely – Punctual, prompt

13. Tolerant – Accepting, open-minded

14. Top-notch – Excellent, superb

15. Torment – Torture, afflict

16. Total – Entire, complete

17. Tranquil – Peaceful, calm

18. Transcend – Surpass, exceed

19. Transparent – Clear, see-through

20. Tremendous – Enormous, immense

21. Triumphant – Victorious, successful

22. Trustworthy – Reliable, dependable

23. Tumultuous – Turbulent, chaotic

24. Turbulent – Unstable, tumultuous

25. Tutelage – Guidance, instruction

26. Tyrannical – Despotic, oppressive

27. Tact – Diplomacy, sensitivity

28. Talisman – Charm, amulet

29. Tangent – Digression, deviation

30. Taste – Flavor, savor

31. Tedious – Monotonous, tiresome

32. Temperance – Moderation, self-restraint

33. Tenacity – Persistence, determination

34. Tender – Delicate, gentle

35. Terminate – End, conclude

36. Terrify – Frighten, scare

37. Testify – Attest, declare

38. Thorough – Comprehensive, meticulous

39. Thrilling – Exciting, exhilarating

40. Timid – Shy, bashful

41. Tolerate – Endure, bear

42. Topple – Overturn, collapse

43. Torpid – Inactive, sluggish

44. Touching – Moving, poignant

45. Transient – Temporary, fleeting

46. Tremor – Quake, vibration

47. Trivial – Insignificant, unimportant

48. Trust – Confidence, reliance

49. Turmoil – Chaos, disorder

50. Tweak – Adjust, modify

51. Tactile – Tangible, touchable

52. Talented – Skilled, gifted

53. Tangy – Zesty, sharp

54. Tempestuous – Stormy, turbulent

55. Tenacious – Stubborn, unyielding

56. Tenet – Principle, belief

57. Tender – Loving, affectionate

58. Terminate – Cease, halt

59. Territorial – Possessive, protective

60. Testify – Swear, affirm

61. Thorough – Complete, exhaustive

62. Thrive – Succeed, flourish

63. Thunderous – Booming, deafening

64. Tolerate – Accept, endure

65. Torment – Torture, afflict

66. Touchy – Sensitive, irritable

67. Transitory – Temporary, passing

68. Trepidation – Anxiety, apprehension

69. Tribulation – Hardship, adversity

70. Trivial – Frivolous, trivial

71. Trustworthy – Reliable, trustworthy

72. Tumult – Commotion, uproar

73. Twinkle – Sparkle, flicker

74. Tactless – Insensitive, thoughtless

75. Talon – Claw, talon

76. Tangible – Concrete, palpable

77. Temper – Moods, disposition

78. Tenacious – Relentless, unrelenting

79. Tenure – Term, period

80. Tentative – Hesitant, uncertain

81. Territorial – Boundary, land

82. Testimonial – Endorsement, recommendation

83. Thoroughfare – Road, avenue

84. Thrifty – Economical, frugal

85. Thwart – Hinder, obstruct

86. Tolerable – Acceptable, bearable

87. Tormenting – Harassing, agonizing

88. Tough – Strong, resilient

89. Translucent – Semitransparent, clear

90. Tremble – Shake, quiver

91. Trivialize – Belittle, minimize

92. Trusting – Credulous, gullible

93. Turbulence – Disturbance, unrest

94. Twirl – Spin, rotate

95. Tyrant – Despot, oppressor

96. Taciturn – Reserved, quiet

97. Talismanic – Magical, supernatural

98. Tangible – Real, substantial

99. Temperamental – Moody, volatile

100. Tenacious – Gripping, adhesive

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