Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet S


  Here’s a list of words starting with the letter “S” along with their synonyms:

1. Sad – Unhappy, sorrowful

2. Safe – Secure, protected

3. Sage – Wise, knowledgeable

4. Salient – Prominent, noticeable

5. Sanctuary – Refuge, haven

6. Satisfy – Fulfill, gratify

7. Savor – Enjoy, relish

8. Scarcity – Shortage, lack

9. Scatter – Disperse, spread

10. Scrutinize – Examine, inspect

11. Secure – Safe, protected

12. Sedate – Calm, composed

13. Seize – Capture, grab

14. Sensible – Rational, logical

15. Serene – Calm, peaceful

16. Shimmer – Gleam, glisten

17. Significant – Important, notable

18. Silly – Foolish, absurd

19. Simultaneous – Concurrent, parallel

20. Sincere – Genuine, honest

21. Skillful – Proficient, adept

22. Soothe – Calm, comfort

23. Spacious – Roomy, ample

24. Sparkle – Shine, glitter

25. Spectacular – Impressive, stunning

26. Spontaneous – Impulsive, unplanned

27. Stable – Steady, secure

28. Startle – Surprise, shock

29. Steadfast – Resolute, unwavering

30. Stimulate – Encourage, inspire

31. Strive – Endeavor, aspire

32. Strong – Powerful, robust

33. Stunning – Breathtaking, astonishing

34. Substantial – Considerable, significant

35. Succeed – Achieve, accomplish

36. Sufficient – Adequate, satisfactory

37. Summit – Peak, pinnacle

38. Superb – Excellent, outstanding

39. Support – Assist, uphold

40. Surpass – Excel, exceed

41. Surrender – Yield, submit

42. Suspense – Tension, anticipation

43. Sustain – Maintain, support

44. Swell – Expand, enlarge

45. Swift – Quick, rapid

46. Sympathy – Compassion, understanding

47. Symbolize – Represent, signify

48. Synthesize – Combine, blend

49. Systematic – Methodical, organized

50. Sacred – Holy, divine

51. Sadness – Sorrow, melancholy

52. Sagacious – Wise, discerning

53. Salvation – Redemption, deliverance

54. Sanction – Approve, authorize

55. Satisfaction – Contentment, fulfillment

56. Scenic – Picturesque, breathtaking

57. Seamless – Smooth, flawless

58. Second – Duplicate, backup

59. Security – Safety, protection

60. Select – Choose, pick

61. Serenity – Tranquility, peace

62. Sharp – Keen, acute

63. Showcase – Display, exhibit

64. Silence – Quiet, hush

65. Simple – Basic, uncomplicated

66. Skill – Ability, expertise

67. Solitude – Seclusion, isolation

68. Solution – Resolution, answer

69. Sophisticated – Elegant, refined

70. Spark – Ignite, kindle

71. Spectacle – Display, show

72. Spiritual – Sacred, divine

73. Splendid – Magnificent, glorious

74. Spur – Stimulate, motivate

75. Stable – Firm, sturdy

76. Standard – Norm, criterion

77. Star – Celebrity, luminary

78. Stimulating – Exciting, invigorating

79. Striking – Impressive, remarkable

80. Stronghold – Fortress, bastion

81. Structure – Framework, organization

82. Sublime – Exquisite, transcendent

83. Succeed – Prosper, thrive

84. Sufficient – Enough, satisfactory

85. Sumptuous – Luxurious, lavish

86. Superlative – Excellent, supreme

87. Supportive – Encouraging, helpful

88. Surpassing – Exceeding, surpassing

89. Sustenance – Nourishment, sustenance

90. Sweet – Pleasant, sugary

91. Symbol – Sign, emblem

92. Synergy – Cooperation, collaboration

93. System – Framework, structure

94. Sacred – Revered, holy

95. Safekeeping – Protection, custody

96. Salubrious – Healthy, beneficial

97. Sanctify – Bless, consecrate

98. Sapient – Wise, intelligent

99. Scenic – Picturesque, scenic

100. Sensational – Extraordinary, amazing 

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