Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet R


Here’s a list of words starting with the letter “R” along with their synonyms:

1. Radiant – Shining, luminous

2. Rage – Fury, anger

3. Rapid – Swift, quick

4. Rational – Logical, reasonable

5. Rapture – Ecstasy, bliss

6. Rare – Uncommon, scarce

7. Rationalize – Justify, explain

8. Rattle – Clatter, shake

9. Ravishing – Gorgeous, stunning

10. Rebel – Dissenter, insurgent

11. Recall – Remember, recollect

12. Recede – Retreat, withdraw

13. Receptive – Open, responsive

14. Reciprocal – Mutual, shared

15. Recite – Repeat, narrate

16. Reckless – Careless, rash

17. Recommend – Suggest, propose

18. Reconcile – Resolve, harmonize

19. Recover – Regain, retrieve

20. Recruit – Enlist, hire

21. Rectify – Correct, amend

22. Redundant – Excessive, superfluous

23. Reflect – Contemplate, ponder

24. Refreshing – Revitalizing, invigorating

25. Refrain – Abstain, avoid

26. Regulate – Control, govern

27. Rejoice – Celebrate, be glad

28. Rejuvenate – Renew, revitalize

29. Relentless – Persistent, unyielding

30. Relevant – Pertinent, applicable

31. Reliability – Dependability, trustworthiness

32. Relish – Enjoy, savor

33. Remarkable – Extraordinary, notable

34. Remedy – Cure, solution

35. Reminisce – Recall, remember

36. Remote – Distant, far-off

37. Renovate – Restore, refurbish

38. Replicate – Duplicate, imitate

39. Resilient – Strong, durable

40. Resolve – Determine, decide

41. Resourceful – Ingenious, creative

42. Respect – Esteem, honor

43. Responsible – Accountable, reliable

44. Restore – Renew, repair

45. Restrict – Limit, confine

46. Retrieve – Recover, regain

47. Reverence – Admiration, respect

48. Revolutionize – Transform, innovate

49. Reward – Prize, recompense

50. Rich – Wealthy, affluent

51. Ridicule – Mock, taunt

52. Rigorous – Thorough, meticulous

53. Risky – Dangerous, perilous

54. Robust – Strong, sturdy

55. Romantic – Passionate, amorous

56. Rugged – Rough, sturdy

57. Ruminate – Ponder, contemplate

58. Rush – Hurry, dash

59. Rustic – Rural, bucolic

60. Ruthless – Cruel, merciless

61. Radiate – Emit, emit

62. Rambunctious – Rowdy, boisterous

63. Rampant – Widespread, uncontrolled

64. Rapport – Connection, bond

65. Ravenous – Hungry, voracious

66. Reap – Harvest, gather

67. Rebuke – Scold, reprimand

68. Reclusive – Solitary, hermit-like

69. Recollect – Remember, recall

70. Recoup – Recover, regain

71. Redress – Rectify, correct

72. Refine – Improve, polish

73. Refrain – Abstain, avoid

74. Regard – Consider, esteem

75. Regret – Remorse, sorrow

76. Reinforce – Strengthen, bolster

77. Rekindle – Renew, revive

78. Rejoinder – Response, reply

79. Relegate – Demote, downgrade

80. Relent – Yield, give in

81. Relevant – Pertinent, applicable

82. Relieve – Alleviate, ease

83. Reminiscent – Evocative, reminiscent

84. Renounce – Abandon, relinquish

85. Repel – Drive away, reject

86. Replicate – Duplicate, copy

87. Repress – Suppress, stifle

88. Reproach – Blame, criticize

89. Repudiate – Reject, disown

90. Rescue – Save, retrieve

91. Resent – Dislike, begrudge

92. Reside – Dwell, live

93. Resilience – Flexibility, toughness

94. Resist – Withstand, oppose

95. Resolve – Determine, decide

96. Respectful – Courteous, polite

97. Restrain – Control, limit

98. Revive – Renew, restore

99. Rigor – Stringency, severity

100. Riveting – Captivating, engrossing

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