Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet P


Here’s a list of  words starting with the letter “P,” along with synonyms for each:

1. Power – Authority, Control

2. Peaceful – Serene, Tranquil

3. Purpose – Intention, Objective

4. Playful – Mischievous, Frolicsome

5. Prosperous – Successful, Flourishing

6. Positive – Optimistic, Favorable

7. Passionate – Enthusiastic, Fervent

8. Precise – Accurate, Exact

9. Pleasant – Enjoyable, Delightful

10. Ponder – Contemplate, Reflect

11. Promote – Encourage, Advocate

12. Persistent – Tenacious, Persevering

13. Praise – Applaud, Commend

14. Potential – Possible, Capable

15. Pivotal – Crucial, Essential

16. Provoke – Incite, Stimulate

17. Persevere – Persist, Endure

18. Proficient – Skilled, Competent

19. Productive – Efficient, Fruitful

20. Patient – Tolerant, Enduring

21. Pristine – Immaculate, Pure

22. Precious – Valuable, Priceless

23. Profound – Deep, Meaningful

24. Protect – Defend, Safeguard

25. Particular – Specific, Detailed

26. Prudent – Wise, Cautious

27. Punctual – Timely, Prompt

28. Plethora – Abundance, Excess

29. Praise – Admire, Laud

30. Proficient – Capable, Skillful

31. Propose – Suggest, Recommend

32. Persist – Endure, Continue

33. Positive – Constructive, Affirmative

34. Proclaim – Announce, Declare

35. Pioneer – Trailblazer, Innovator

36. Prevail – Triumph, Succeed

37. Portray – Depict, Illustrate

38. Prosper – Thrive, Succeed

39. Perceptive – Insightful, Discerning

40. Passion – Enthusiasm, Zeal

41. Prominent – Distinguished, Eminent

42. Precise – Exact, Accurate

43. Plentiful – Abundant, Copious

44. Potential – Capacity, Capability

45. Pivotal – Central, Crucial

46. Playful – Lively, Frolicsome

47. Pragmatic – Practical, Realistic

48. Purposeful – Intentional, Deliberate

49. Praise – Applause, Acclaim

50. Persevere – Endure, Persist

51. Proficient – Skillful, Competent

52. Protect – Safeguard, Defend

53. Peaceful – Calm, Serene

54. Potential – Possible, Promising

55. Ponder – Reflect, Contemplate

56. Prompt – Quick, Immediate

57. Precious – Valuable, Priceless

58. Positive – Optimistic, Hopeful

59. Passionate – Enthusiastic, Fervent

60. Prudent – Wise, Sensible

61. Punctual – Timely, Prompt

62. Persistent – Tenacious, Determined

63. Plentiful – Abundant, Ample

64. Power – Authority, Influence

65. Profound – Deep, Thoughtful

66. Playful – Mischievous, Cheeky

67. Prosperous – Successful, Flourishing

68. Particular – Specific, Detailed

69. Praise – Applaud, Commend

70. Potential – Capacity, Capability

71. P

ivotal – Crucial, Essential

72. Persevere – Persist, Continue

73. Positive – Optimistic, Favorable

74. Passionate – Enthusiastic, Ardent

75. Precise – Accurate, Exact

76. Pleasurable – Enjoyable, Gratifying

77. Proficient – Skilled, Competent

78. Protect – Safeguard, Shield

79. Peaceful – Serene, Tranquil

80. Purpose – Objective, Goal

81. Playful – Lively, Frolicsome

82. Prosper – Thrive, Succeed

83. Positive – Optimistic, Positive

84. Passion – Enthusiasm, Zeal

85. Pioneering – Innovative, Trailblazing

86. Persistent – Tenacious, Dogged

87. Praise – Applause, Admiration

88. Proficient – Skilled, Adept

89. Promote – Encourage, Boost

90. Prudent – Wise, Judicious

91. Punctual – Timely, Prompt

92. Penchant – Inclination, Preference

93. Placid – Calm, Tranquil

94. Pristine – Immaculate, Spotless

95. Practical – Pragmatic, Realistic

96. Perseverance – Persistence, Determination

97. Prompt – Quick, Rapid

98. Prosperity – Success, Wealth

99. Plentiful – Abundant, Bountiful

100. Pleasure – Enjoyment, Delight

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