Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet O


 Here’s a list of words starting with the letter “O,” along with synonyms for each:

1. Observe – Watch, Monitor

2. Opportunity – Chance, Opening

3. Optimize – Improve, Enhance

4. Outstanding – Excellent, Remarkable

5. Overwhelm – Overpower, Crush

6. Objective – Goal, Purpose

7. Obligatory – Mandatory, Required

8. Oasis – Haven, Refuge

9. Occurrence – Event, Incident

10. Original – Authentic, Genuine

11. Offspring – Progeny, Descendant

12. Obey – Comply, Follow

13. Ornate – Elaborate, Decorative

14. Organize – Arrange, Systematize

15. Open-minded – Unbiased, Accepting

16. Omit – Exclude, Leave out

17. Outgoing – Sociable, Extroverted

18. Overjoyed – Ecstatic, Thrilled

19. Outrageous – Shocking, Scandalous

20. Overcome – Conquer, Overpower

21. Observant – Attentive, Watchful

22. Oppose – Resist, Contradict

23. Overflow – Flood, Spill over

24. Obsolete – Outdated, Extinct

25. Optimal – Best, Ideal

26. Outspoken – Vocal, Candid

27. Outrage – Anger, Indignation

28. Oblige – Compel, Require

29. Opulent – Luxurious, Lavish

30. Optimum – Best, Optimal

31. Open – Unlocked, Accessible

32. Outsmart – Outwit, Outfox

33. Oust – Remove, Expel

34. Overlook – Neglect, Miss

35. Outrageous – Shocking, Scandalous

36. Overcome – Conquer, Surmount

37. Observant – Attentive, Perceptive

38. Oppose – Resist, Challenge

39. Overflow – Flood, Spill

40. Obsolete – Outdated, Obsolescent

41. Optimal – Best, Ideal

42. Outspoken – Vocal, Frank

43. Outrage – Indignation, Fury

44. Oblige – Compel, Force

45. Opulent – Lavish, Luxurious

46. Optimum – Best, Prime

47. Occurrence – Instance, Incident

48. Open – Unsealed, Accessible

49. Outsmart – Outwit, Outmaneuver

50. Oust – Remove, Depose

51. Overlook – Miss, Neglect

52. Outrageous – Scandalous, Outlandish

53. Overcome – Defeat, Conquer

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