Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet G



Here’s a list of  words starting with the letter “G” along with their synonyms:

  1. Gain – Acquire, obtain
  2. Game – Sport, competition
  3. Gap – Opening, hole
  4. Gather – Collect, assemble
  5. Generous – Charitable, kind
  6. Genius – Gifted, brilliant
  7. Gentle – Tender, mild
  8. Genuine – Authentic, real
  9. Gesture – Sign, indication
  10. Giant – Colossal, enormous
  11. Gift – Present, donation
  12. Gigantic – Massive, huge
  13. Glorious – Magnificent, splendid
  14. Glow – Radiate, shine
  15. Goal – Objective, target
  16. Grace – Elegance, poise
  17. Grateful – Thankful, appreciative
  18. Great – Excellent, superb
  19. Green – Verdant, ecological
  20. Greet – Welcome, salute
  21. Grieve – Mourn, lament
  22. Grim – Stern, severe
  23. Groove – Furrow, indentation
  24. Grow – Expand, develop
  25. Guide – Direct, lead
  26. Guilt – Remorse, regret
  27. Gush – Pour, spurt
  28. Gust – Blast, breeze
  29. Gaze – Stare, look
  30. Generosity – Kindness, benevolence
  31. Glimpse – Glance, peek
  32. Giggle – Chuckle, laugh
  33. Glitter – Sparkle, shimmer
  34. Gratify – Satisfy, please
  35. Gallery – Exhibition, museum
  36. Grasp – Understand, comprehend
  37. Grave – Serious, solemn
  38. Gossip – Rumor, chitchat
  39. Group – Team, collection
  40. Ghost – Spirit, phantom
  41. Glance – Peek, glimpse
  42. Glittering – Sparkling, shining
  43. Gratefulness – Thankfulness, appreciation
  44. Generously – Abundantly, liberally
  45. Guard – Protect, defend
  46. Giddy – Dizzy, lightheaded
  47. Gorgeous – Beautiful, stunning
  48. Gracious – Courteous, polite
  49. Guarantee – Assure, promise
  50. Grumble – Complain, moan
  51. Gallop – Run, sprint
  52. Gleam – Shine, glimmer
  53. Grumpy – Irritable, grouchy
  54. Glisten – Sparkle, twinkle
  55. Grand – Magnificent, majestic
  56. Giggle – Titter, chuckle
  57. Gobble – Devour, scarf
  58. Gambit – Scheme, ploy
  59. Grapple – Wrestle, struggle
  60. Gluttonous – Voracious, greedy
  61. Gratification – Satisfaction, pleasure
  62. Gutsy – Brave, courageous
  63. Grimace – Frown, scowl
  64. Grate – Irritate, annoy
  65. Gasp – Pant, wheeze
  66. Gruesome – Horrifying, grisly
  67. Gesticulate – Gesture, signal
  68. Garnish – Decorate, embellish
  69. Greedy – Rapacious, insatiable
  70. Gripe – Complain, whine
  71. Galore – Abundant, plentiful
  72. Guardian – Protector, defender
  73. Gracious – Polite, courteous
  74. Grudge – Resentment, animosity
  75. Glow – Radiate, gleam
  76. Grandiose – Magnificent, grand
  77. Gravitate – Incline, lean
  78. Glum – Morose, gloomy
  79. Grudgingly – Reluctantly, unwillingly
  80. Glossy – Shiny, lustrous
  81. Groan – Moan, sigh
  82. Grin – Smile, smirk
  83. Generically – Universally, collectively
  84. Gallant – Brave, chivalrous
  85. Grateful – Appreciative, thankful
  86. Gadget – Device, contraption
  87. Gluttony – Greed, overeating
  88. Gradual – Slow, steady
  89. Glamorous – Elegant, stylish
  90. Guise – Disguise, facade
  91. Grime – Dirt, filth
  92. Good – Excellent, fine
  93. Glutton – Gourmand, overeater
  94. Gravitational – Attractive, pulling
  95. Glaze – Gloss, finish

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