Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet F


 Here’s a list of words starting with the letter “F” along with their synonyms:

1. Fabulous – Amazing, fantastic

2. Face – Countenance, visage

3. Facility – Amenities, resources

4. Fade – Dim, vanish

5. Fail – Flunk, flop

6. Fair – Just, impartial

7. Faith – Belief, trust

8. Fake – Counterfeit, imitation

9. Fall – Descend, drop

10. Fame – Celebrity, renown

11. Familiar – Known, recognized

12. Family – Relatives, kin

13. Famous – Renowned, celebrated

14. Fancy – Imagination, fantasy

15. Fantastic – Incredible, marvelous

16. Far – Distant, remote

17. Fascinate – Captivate, intrigue

18. Fast – Quick, rapid

19. Fatigue – Exhaustion, weariness

20. Fault – Flaw, defect

21. Favor – Preference, advantage

22. Fear – Dread, apprehension

23. Feasible – Achievable, possible

24. Feeble – Weak, frail

25. Feel – Sense, perceive

26. Female – Woman, lady

27. Fierce – Ferocious, savage

28. Fight – Battle, combat

29. Find – Discover, locate

30. Fine – Excellent, superb

31. Fire – Blaze, inferno

32. Firm – Strong, stable

33. Fit – Suitable, appropriate

34. Flash – Sparkle, gleam

35. Flawless – Perfect, impeccable

36. Flexible – Adaptable, versatile

37. Flourish – Thrive, prosper

38. Flow – Stream, glide

39. Flower – Blossom, bloom

40. Fluctuate – Vary, oscillate

41. Fluffy – Soft, downy

42. Fly – Soar, glide

43. Focus – Concentrate, center

44. Follow – Pursue, trail

45. Fool – Jester, clown

46. Force – Power, strength

47. Foresee – Anticipate, predict

48. Forever – Eternally, perpetually

49. Forget – Disremember, overlook

50. Forgive – Pardon, excuse

51. Form – Shape, structure

52. Forward – Advance, progress

53. Fragile – Delicate, breakable

54. Free – Liberated, emancipated

55. Fresh – New, crisp

56. Friend – Companion, pal

57. Frugal – Thrifty, economical

58. Fruitful – Productive, fruitful

59. Funny – Hilarious, comical

60. Furious – Enraged, angry

61. Future – Tomorrow, upcoming

62. Fascinating – Intriguing, captivating

63. Fathom – Comprehend, understand

64. Fabulate – Invent, create

65. Forge – Create, construct

66. Fashionable – Stylish, trendy

67. Frenzy – Hysteria, madness

68. Fantastic – Astonishing, extraordinary

69. Fulfill – Accomplish, achieve

70. Fracture – Break, crack

71. Flagrant – Blatant, glaring

72. Foster – Nurture, cultivate

73. Flush – Crimson, blush

74. Forefront – Front, forefront

75. Foremost – Leading, primary

76. Fluster – Agitate, confuse

77. Fathomless – Infinite, immeasurable

78. Finicky – Picky, fussy

79. Flake – Chip, particle

80. Flinch – Recoil, wince

81. Flaw – Imperfection, blemish

82. Flap – Flutter, wave

83. Frown – Scowl, grimace

84. Fuse – Blend, combine

85. Feast – Banquet, meal

86. Foggy – Misty, hazy

87. Foretell – Predict, prophesy

88. Frigid – Freezing, icy

89. Frail – Fragile, weak

90. Fidget – Squirm, wriggle

91. Fuzzy – Blurry, indistinct

92. Flatter – Compliment, praise

93. Flip – Toss, flick

94. Foolish – Silly, imprudent

95. Fluff – Lint, fuzz

96. Firmly – Securely, tightly

97. Festive – Joyful, celebratory

98. Friction – Conflict, tension

99. Fancy – Ornate, decorative

100. Foreshadow – Predict, presage

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