Synonyms list/ synonyms words start with alphabet D


Here’s a list of words starting with the letter “D” along with their synonyms for each:

Dance – Move, groove

Dark – Gloomy, dim

Day – Sunlight, daylight

Danger – Peril, hazard

Dare – Challenge, provoke

Darling – Sweetheart, beloved

Dash – Sprint, bolt

Data – Information, facts

Dawn – Sunrise, daybreak

Deal – Agreement, transaction

Debate – Discussion, argument

Decay – Decompose, rot

Deceive – Mislead, trick

Decide – Determine, conclude

Defeat – Overcome, conquer

Defend – Protect, guard

Define – Describe, explain

Delay – Postpone, procrastinate

Delicious – Tasty, savory

Demand – Request, require

Demonstrate – Show, display

Deny – Refuse, reject

Depend – Rely, count on

Depict – Portray, illustrate

Desire – Crave, want

Despair – Hopelessness, agony

Destroy – Ruin, demolish

Develop – Evolve, progress

Device – Appliance, gadget

Different – Diverse, distinct

Difficult – Challenging, hard

Diligent – Hardworking, dedicated

Diminish – Reduce, decrease

Direct – Guide, lead

Discover – Uncover, find

Discuss – Talk about, debate

Disguise – Camouflage, mask

Dislike – Detest, despise

Distance – Space, gap

Diverse – Varied, different

Divide – Separate, split

Dog – Canine, pooch

Donate – Contribute, give

Doubt – Uncertainty, skepticism

Drama – Play, theater

Dream – Fantasy, vision

Drink – Beverage, refreshment

Drive – Propel, steer

Drowsy – Sleepy, tired

Drum – Percussion, beat

Dumb – Silent, speechless

Dust – Dirt, debris

Duty – Responsibility, obligation

Dynamic – Energetic, active

Dwell – Reside, live

Dwindle – Diminish, decrease

Dazzle – Shine, sparkle

Decade – Period, era

Dedicate – Devote, commit

Defiance – Resistance, rebellion

Delicate – Fragile, sensitive

Depart – Leave, go

Destiny – Fate, fortune

Devotion – Dedication, loyalty

Differentiate – Distinguish, separate

Diplomacy – Tact, discretion

Discipline – Control, training

Discontent – Dissatisfaction, unrest

Discreet – Cautious, prudent

Dismiss – Reject, ignore

Divert – Redirect, switch

Divine – Heavenly, sacred

Drape – Cover, hang

Dread – Fear, terror

Drizzle – Light rain, sprinkle

Dull – Boring, monotonous

Dusk – Twilight, evening

Dusty – Dirty, grimy

Dainty – Delicate, elegant

Damaged – Broken, impaired

Dauntless – Fearless, brave

Dazzling – Brilliant, radiant

Dearest – Beloved, precious

Decrepit – Dilapidated, worn-out

Decorate – Adorn, embellish

Deft – Skillful, nimble

Delight – Pleasure, joy

Demented – Insane, crazy

Demure – Modest, shy

Denounce – Condemn, criticize

Dependable – Reliable, trustworthy

Derive – Obtain, extract

Desolate – Barren, deserted

Desperate – Hopeless, frantic

Devour – Consume, gobble

Diligence – Hard work, persistence

Dizzy – Vertiginous, lightheaded

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