IELTS Speaking Tips and Tricks



The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a popular exam for those who want to study or work in an English-speaking country. The IELTS test has four components: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
While each component is important in its own way, the speaking component can be particularly challenging for many test takers. This article will provide tips and tricks to help you succeed in the IELTS speaking test.

Explanation of IELTS Speaking Test

The speaking component of the IELTS test measures a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in spoken English. The test is conducted as a face-to-face interview with a certified examiner who assesses the candidate’s ability to speak fluently, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and express opinions clearly.
The speaking test consists of three parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)
  • Part 2: Individual Long Turn (3-4 minutes)
  • Part 3: Two-way Discussion (4-5 minutes)
In Part 1, the examiner asks general questions about the candidate’s background, interests or experiences. In Part 2, the candidate is given a cue card with a topic and asked to speak about it for two minutes while also answering follow-up questions from the examiner. In Part 3, both the examiner and candidate engage in a discussion on issues related to Part 2.

Importance of Speaking Component in Overall Score

The speaking component carries equal weight with all other components of the IELTS exam – each worth approximately one fourth of total score. Many candidates underestimate this section; however it is important not to overlook it as most employers and universities require a minimum band score for each component. In addition, a strong performance in the speaking component can have a positive influence on the candidate’s overall score.

Overview of What to Expect in the Test

The IELTS speaking test will take approximately 11-14 minutes to complete, and the test format is consistent across all testing centers and countries. The examiner will ask questions that are designed to assess your ability to use English confidently, correctly and fluently. To prepare for this test it is important to understand the scoring criteria for each band level, practice common topics and questions with a partner or tutor, familiarize yourself with fillers, transition phrases, and idiomatic expressions that can help you answer questions fluently.

Preparing for the Test

Understanding the Scoring Criteria for Each Band Level

Before starting to prepare for the IELTS speaking test, it is important to understand how the test is scored. The speaking component of the test is evaluated based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.
Each criterion contributes equally to the overall score. The highest possible score is 9, while a score below 5 indicates limited proficiency.
To achieve a high score in fluency and coherence, you must be able to speak at a natural pace without pauses or hesitations that interrupt your train of thought and make your speech disorganized. Lexical resource refers to your ability to use a range of vocabulary appropriately in different contexts.
Grammatical range and accuracy involves using grammatically correct sentences with varied structures. Pronunciation plays an important role in communication; it should be clear enough that comprehensible by native speakers.

Familiarizing Oneself with Common Topics and Questions

Another step towards preparing effectively for IELTS Speaking Test is familiarizing oneself with common topics and questions that frequently appear in this section during exam time. There are three parts of this test which consists of different types of questions such as personal questions, general topics like work/study/travel etc., current issues such as climate change/technology etc., opinion-related topics like advertising/politics etc., hypothetical scenarios like future goals/plans etc., comparisons between two things/ideas.
You can find sample questions online or practice materials provided by official sources (e.g., Cambridge University Press). Try answering these questions under time constraints while also recording yourself speaking so that you can evaluate your answers later.

Practicing with a Partner or Tutor

After gaining familiarity with the scoring criteria and common topics/questions in IELTS Speaking Test, it’s time to practice with a partner or tutor. This is an excellent way to develop and refine your speaking skills in a supportive environment. During practice sessions, make sure to simulate test conditions by using a stopwatch and recording your answers.
Be prepared to receive constructive feedback from your partner or tutor regarding areas where you need improvement. It’s important to remember that the person you’re practicing with doesn’t have to be fluent in English; the goal is simply to have someone who can listen to you speak and provide feedback on areas that need improvement such as pronunciation accuracy, grammar usage, vocabulary range etc. You can also use this opportunity for peer-learning by giving feedback yourself.

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is crucial in preparing for the IELTS speaking test. A common mistake people make when preparing for the IELTS speaking test is setting unrealistic goals like aiming for an 8 or 9 without assessing their current level of proficiency beforehand. This leads to unnecessary stress and anxiety during exam time which may affect their performance.
Start by identifying your current proficiency level and then set achievable goals for improvement based on that assessment (e.g., improving from band 6 to 7 within six months). Setting small milestones along the way towards achieving bigger goals will help keep you motivated throughout the process.

Managing Exam Day Nerves

Exam day nerves are common among many test-takers, but it is important not let them get the best of you during IELTS Speaking Test. To combat these nerves, make sure that you arrive early at the examination center so that you have enough time to relax before starting; take deep breaths if necessary before entering into testing room. Another way of reducing exam day nerves is by being well-prepared through consistent practice beforehand so that there are no surprises during exam time; this includes familiarizing oneself with common topics/questions as well as the scoring criteria.

Tips for Speaking Fluently

Using Fillers and Transition Phrases: More Than Just “Um” and “Er”

One of the biggest challenges in speaking a foreign language is avoiding hesitations and pauses. When trying to come up with the right word or phrase, it’s easy to get stuck in silence. One technique to avoid this is using fillers and transition phrases.
These are short phrases that have no real meaning but give you time to think about what you want to say next. Examples include “Well, let me see,” “To be honest,” or “Actually.”
While using fillers can help you sound fluent, it’s important not to overdo it. Overusing fillers can make you sound hesitant or unsure of yourself, so use them sparingly.

Avoiding Pauses and Hesitations

Another way to avoid pauses and hesitation is by practicing speaking at a comfortable pace. Speaking too fast can cause stuttering or tripping over words, while speaking too slowly can lead to awkward silences as your listeners wait for you to finish your thought.
It’s also important to practice speaking without relying on reading from notes or a script as this leads to unnatural pauses during speech delivery. Try recording yourself while practicing speaking skills before the exam day as this will help identify areas where more improvement is needed.

Pronouncing Words Clearly: Articulation Matters

Clearly pronouncing words helps listeners understand what you are saying, so it’s essential that you take time pronouncing each word correctly. This includes paying attention not just on individual sounds but also how they come together when spoken in full context.
A tip for improving pronunciation is by listening carefully when others speak English- whether in movies, TV shows, news broadcasts etc.-and imitating what they say! It’s an excellent way to develop an ear for the language and get a better understanding of how sounds should be formed.

Enunciation: The Key to Speaking Clearly

Enunciation refers to the clarity with which words are spoken, and it’s one of the most critical aspects of speaking fluently. When enunciating words, you need to make sure that each syllable is pronounced distinctly, and that your articulation is crisp and clear.
To practice enunciation, try reading passages aloud from books or newspaper articles in different tones. Practice varying your pace; it will help improve your ability to pronounce words correctly without hesitation

The Importance of Body Language in Fluency

Body language also plays an important role in speaking fluently. Try using hand gestures when appropriate as they can help emphasize points or express emotions. It also helps convey confidence and enthusiasm.
Another important aspect of body language is maintaining eye contact with the examiner as well as exhibiting relaxed body posture during speech delivery. This portrays a level of comfortability in engaging with others during conversation.
These tips can help improve fluency when speaking English, especially during IELTS exams where fluent delivery is crucial for scoring well on the speaking section. With consistent practice, confidence will grow leading to more fluent conversational abilities in English!

Strategies for Answering Questions

Understanding Question Types

IELTS speaking test assesses a candidate’s ability to effectively communicate in English. Understanding the types of questions that can be asked in the speaking test is crucial for scoring high. There are several categories of questions, including opinion, comparison, hypothetical, and factual.
Opinion-based questions ask candidates to give their personal views on various subjects or topics. Comparison-based questions require candidates to draw comparisons between two or more things or ideas.
Hypothetical questions ask candidates to describe what they would do in a particular situation if it were to happen in real life. Factual questions ask candidates to provide information about specific events, people, or things.

Organizing Thoughts Before Answering

Before answering any question during the IELTS speaking test, it is essential that candidates take some time to organize their thoughts and structure their answer appropriately. One strategy is to take notes on the key points raised by the interviewer while they are asking the question so that you do not forget any important details while answering it. It will also ensure that you stay on topic and have all the necessary information at hand when responding.
Another tip for organizing your thoughts before answering is practicing with sample IELTS speaking tests online or with a partner/tutor beforehand. Doing this will help familiarize yourself with common topics and question types and enable you to develop effective approaches for structuring your answers.

Providing Specific Examples To Support Answers

When answering any type of question during the IELTS speaking test, it is vital that candidates provide specific examples from personal experience or knowledge base where appropriate. This strategy helps demonstrate depth of understanding and provides additional evidence supporting their responses.
Candidates can prepare themselves by researching common topics beforehand and thinking about how they can apply personal experiences and knowledge base when responding during the actual exam. Using specific examples will help the interviewer better understand your thought process and lead to a more engaging and natural conversation.

Practice Makes Perfect

To excel in the IELTS speaking test, candidates need to practice answering questions effectively. One strategy is to record yourself during practice sessions and listen back to identify areas of weakness or improvement. Practicing regularly with a partner or tutor will also help improve fluency, pronunciation, and grammar.
Another helpful method is to participate in group discussions or debates with native English speakers. This will provide exposure to different accents, vocabulary, and modes of communication while promoting self-confidence.

Tips for Answering Difficult Questions

During the IELTS speaking test, candidates may encounter challenging questions that require critical thinking. It is crucial that they remain calm and composed while answering such questions.
One strategy is to take a moment before responding and collect thoughts on how best to structure their answer. If unsure about a particular question or vocabulary, it’s better to ask for clarification rather than providing incorrect information.
Avoiding overthinking questions can often lead candidates away from their intended answer; instead staying true and straightforward in response can often earn higher marks. Understanding the types of questions asked during the IELTS speaking test is crucial for success.
Candidates must prepare themselves by practicing with sample tests online or with a partner/tutor beforehand. Organizing thoughts before answering combined with providing specific examples from personal experience when appropriate can lead them towards scoring higher marks in the overall band level score of this component of the test where effective communication skills are assessed above all else.

Vocabulary and Grammar Tips

Using a Range of Vocabulary to Demonstrate Fluency

As the IELTS speaking test evaluates your language proficiency, it is essential to use a diverse range of vocabulary to demonstrate your fluency. A good way to increase your vocabulary is by reading English texts, such as newspapers, magazines, and academic papers.
You can also use apps like Quizlet or Memrise to learn new words and phrases. However, using sophisticated vocabulary does not necessarily mean using words you do not understand; instead, stick to using words you know well.
It is also important to avoid repeating the same words or phrases throughout the test. Instead, try using synonyms or alternative expressions.
For example, instead of repeatedly saying “happy”, you could use expressions like “elated”, “ecstatic”, or “overjoyed”. This will demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in English.

Avoiding Common Grammar Mistakes

Grammar is an essential part of any language, and mistakes can often lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. It is crucial that you have a good understanding of basic grammar rules before taking the IELTS speaking test.
Some common grammar mistakes made by non-native speakers include subject-verb agreement errors (e.g., “I are” instead of “I am”), incorrect word order (e.g., “Yesterday I went shopping” instead of “I went shopping yesterday”), and misuse of prepositions (e.g., “I am at home since morning” instead of “I have been at home since morning”). To avoid these errors, it is recommended that you practice speaking with a tutor or partner who can provide feedback on your grammar usage during mock tests.

Understanding Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic expressions are phrases whose meaning cannot be understood from the individual words themselves but rather from their context. For example, “it’s raining cats and dogs” means it is raining heavily but does not literally mean that cats and dogs are falling from the sky. Using idiomatic expressions in your speech can demonstrate your fluency and understanding of the English language.
However, it is important to use them correctly to avoid confusion or misinterpretation. To learn idiomatic expressions, sign up for an online course or use an app like Idiomatic.
You can also read English texts as they often contain idioms. However, be cautious when using idioms in the IELTS speaking test – only use those you are confident in using correctly.

Using Appropriate Tone and Register

The tone and register you use in your speech can affect how effectively you communicate with others. Tone refers to the attitude or emotion behind your words while register refers to the level of formality you use depending on the situation.
In general, for the IELTS speaking test, it is best to aim for a neutral tone and a formal register as this will demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in academic settings. Avoid using slang or informal language unless it is necessary (e.g., when discussing personal experiences).
It is also important to consider the cultural background of your examiner when choosing appropriate tone and register. For example, some cultures may find directness rude while others value honesty above all else.

The Power of Active Listening

Active listening involves fully concentrating on what someone else is saying rather than just hearing their words passively. In IELTS speaking tests, active listening can help you better understand questions asked by examiners and give more accurate answers.
Active listening involves maintaining eye contact with whoever is speaking, taking notes if necessary, asking clarifying questions if needed, and repeating back what was said in your own words. Practicing active listening skills before taking the IELTS speaking test can help you feel more confident and prepared, as well as demonstrate your ability to engage in effective communication.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Repeating information from prompts or questions

One common mistake that test-takers make is repeating the information from the prompts or questions in their answers. For example, if the prompt asks “Do you like to travel?” a common response might be “Yes, I like to travel.” This type of answer shows a lack of creativity and thoughtfulness in their response. Instead, try to expand on your answer by providing specific details about your travels or explaining why you enjoy traveling.
Another way that test-takers repeat information is by using the same vocabulary words from the prompt. Rather than parroting back vocabulary words used in the question, it’s better to use synonyms or related words to showcase a broader range of vocabulary.

Misunderstanding questions or providing irrelevant answers

Misunderstanding questions can be detrimental to a successful speaking performance. Test-takers should read and listen carefully to each question before answering.
It’s essential also not only to understand what each question means but also what type of answer is expected. Providing irrelevant answers will lead to lower scores because they do not address the question asked directly.
The key here is ensuring that each answer is relevant and connected with its context. It’s important not only for developing good rapport with examiners but also for high scores.

Not using the full allotted time

There are three parts in IELTS speaking tests: 1) introduction part; 2) cue card part; 3) discussion part with follow-up questions. A frequent mistake made by test-takers is rushing through their answers, often finishing them before reaching the allotted time frame. Make sure you talk as much as possible without talking too fast.
If you find yourself finishing early, reflect on expanding your ideas actively instead of ending it right there; this can show your willingness to communicate more in the test. It’s important to use all the provided time wisely.
During the cue card part, examinees have one minute to prepare and then speak for two minutes. They should spend the entire one minute planning and organizing their thoughts effectively so that they can use their speaking time maximally.

Other Common Mistakes

Aside from those mistakes mentioned above, there are several other common ones. One of them is repeating oneself or ideas during discussions. This mistake indicates a lack of vocabulary- and idea-generation skills in real-life communication.
Another common mistake is sticking with a certain register when taking on IELTS tasks in different parts of speaking tests. For example, using everyday language and slang when asked about academic topics is inappropriate for this particular test format.
Avoid feeling nervous or anxious before taking your IELTS speaking test; it can significantly affect your performance. The best way to deal with this is by being well-prepared ahead of time and practicing under similar conditions as the actual test beforehand would be helpful.


The IELTS speaking test is an important component in the overall score and requires careful preparation. By understanding the scoring criteria for each band level, becoming familiar with common topics and questions, practicing with a partner or tutor, using fillers and transition phrases, avoiding pauses and hesitations, pronouncing words clearly, utilizing strategies for answering questions such as organizing thoughts before answering and providing specific examples to support answers, using a range of vocabulary to demonstrate fluency while avoiding common grammar mistakes and idiomatic expressions can help any test-taker to improve their speaking skills. It is essential to avoid making common mistakes like repeating information from prompts or questions, misunderstanding questions or providing irrelevant answers while also making sure not to use the full allotted time.
These tips and tricks will help you prepare better for your IELTS speaking test. By following these tips & tricks before taking the exam, one can significantly improve their scores on the IELTS speaking test.
Remember that practice makes perfect! With dedication and hard work, anyone can master their English speaking skills in no time.
We hope that this article has been helpful in providing insight into how to prepare for an IELTS speaking test successfully. It is essential not only to understand what is expected of you but also how you should approach it.
So give yourself plenty of time before your scheduled exam date and start practicing these tips today! Good luck on your journey towards achieving your goals!

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