Greedy meaning/ synonym and antonym/ sentences with greedy

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The word “greedy” typically means having an excessive or insatiable desire for something, often in a selfish or excessive manner.
Some common synonyms for “greedy” include:

  1. Avaricious
  2. Covetous
  3. Selfish
  4. Voracious
  5. Rapacious
  6. Insatiable
  7. Gluttonous
  8. Materialistic
  9. Acquisitive
  10. Mercenary

Here are some examples of how “greedy” might be used in a sentence:

  1. “He was greedy for power and would stop at nothing to get it.”
  2. “She was greedy for attention and constantly sought validation from others.”
  3. “The company was greedy for profits and neglected employee welfare.”
  4. “He had a greedy appetite and devoured the entire pizza by himself.”

Remember, “greedy” often carries a negative connotation, implying an excessive or unscrupulous desire for something.

Synonyms for greedy

Here are some synonyms for the word “greedy”:

  1. Avaricious
  2. Covetous
  3. Selfish
  4. Voracious
  5. Rapacious
  6. Insatiable
  7. Gluttonous
  8. Materialistic
  9. Acquisitive
  10. Mercenary

Antonyms for greedy

Here are some antonyms for the word “greedy”:

  1. Generous
  2. Selfless
  3. Unselfish
  4. Altruistic
  5. Charitable
  6. Philanthropic
  7. Humble
  8. Modest
  9. Contented
  10. Unmaterialistic some of these antonyms may have varying degrees of opposition to “greedy”, depending on the context in which they are used.

For example:

  • “Generous” is a strong antonym for “greedy”, implying a willingness to give freely and abundantly.
  • “Contented” is a milder antonym, implying a state of being satisfied with what one has, without excessive desire for more. understanding the nuances of word meanings and connotations can help you use language more effectively and precisely!

Sentences with greedy

Here are some example sentences using the word “greedy”:

  1. The greedy CEO was criticized for his excessive salary and bonuses.
  2. She was greedy for attention and constantly sought validation from others.
  3. The greedy dog gobbled up the entire treat in one bite.
  4. The company was greedy for profits and neglected employee welfare.
  5. He was greedy for power and would stop at nothing to get it.
  6. The greedy investor was willing to do whatever it took to make a quick buck.
  7. The child was greedy for candy and ate too much, leading to a stomachache.
  8. The greedy politician was accused of embezzling funds for personal gain.
  9. The greedy algorithm prioritized profits over user experience.
  10. The greedy neighbor was notorious for stealing food from others’ gardens.

Remember, “greedy” often carries a negative connotation, implying an excessive or unscrupulous desire for something.

These sentences illustrate how “greedy” can be used in different contexts to convey this idea.

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