Adverbs That Start With I

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “I,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Immediately – without delay; instantly.
  • She responded immediately to the emergency call.
  • Ironically – in a way that is contrary to what is expected or intended.
  • Ironically, the traffic officer got a speeding ticket.
  • Incessantly – without interruption; constantly.
  • The rain fell incessantly throughout the night.
  • Implicitly – in a way that is implied but not directly expressed.
  • By accepting the invitation, he implicitly agreed to the terms.
  • Incredibly – to a great extent; unbelievably.
  • The view from the top of the mountain was incredibly beautiful.
  • Incessantly – without interruption; constantly.
  • The dog barked incessantly all night.
  • Inclusively – in a way that includes everything or everyone.
  • The survey was conducted inclusively, considering all viewpoints.
  • Incorporally – in a manner lacking physical form.
  • The ghost moved incorporally through the walls.
  • Incoherently – in a manner that is not logically connected or expressed.
  • He spoke incoherently after waking up from the surgery.
  • Inadvertently – unintentionally; accidentally.
    • She inadvertently deleted the important file.
  • Inanely – in a silly or senseless manner.
    • The comedian’s jokes fell inanely flat.
  • Incessantly – without interruption; constantly.
    • The noise from the construction site continued incessantly.
  • Incidentally – by the way; as a side note.
    • Incidentally, I ran into your brother at the store.
  • Inclusively – in a way that includes everyone or everything.
    • The festival is open to all, inclusively.
  • Inconclusively – in a manner that does not lead to a definite conclusion.
    • The investigation ended inconclusively due to lack of evidence.
  • Incontrovertibly – in a way that cannot be denied or disputed.
    • The evidence presented was incontrovertibly clear.
  • Indecently – in a manner that is offensive or inappropriate.
    • He behaved indecently at the dinner party.
  • Indirectly – not in a direct way; via an intermediary.
    • She indirectly hinted at her true feelings.
  • Indiscriminately – in a random or haphazard manner.
    • The bombs were dropped indiscriminately, causing widespread destruction.
  • Individually – separately or individually from others.
    • Each student must complete the assignment individually.
  • Indignantly – in a manner showing anger or annoyance at perceived injustice.
    • She protested indignantly against the unfair treatment.
  • Indistinctly – in a manner that is not clear or sharply defined.
    • The figures in the distance appeared indistinctly in the fog.
  • Indubitably – in a manner that is impossible to doubt or question.
    • The fact was indubitably true.
  • Ineffectively – in a manner that does not achieve the desired result.
    • The new policy was implemented ineffectively.
  • Inevitably – in a way that is certain to happen; unavoidably.
    • With time, change is inevitably bound to occur.
  • Inexorably – in a way that is impossible to stop or prevent.
    • The glacier inexorably moved forward, reshaping the landscape.
  • Infamously – in a manner that is well known for being bad or disgraceful.
    • The criminal was infamously known for his heinous acts.
  • Infrequently – not occurring often; rarely.
    • She visits her hometown infrequently since moving away.
  • Inherently – in a way that is an essential characteristic; by nature.
    • Cats are inherently independent animals.
  • Initially – at first; in the beginning.
    • Initially, I was hesitant, but I eventually agreed.
  • Injudiciously – in a manner lacking good judgment or wisdom.
    • He acted injudiciously by spending all his savings.
  • Innately – in a manner that is naturally part of someone or something.
    • Some people are innately talented musicians.
  • Innocently – in a manner showing a lack of knowledge or understanding.
    • She innocently asked about the meaning of the word.
  • Inquisitively – in a curious or questioning manner.
    • The child looked at the strange object inquisitively.
  • Insanely – in a mentally deranged or irrational manner.
    • He laughed insanely at the horror movie.
  • Insecurely – in a manner lacking confidence or stability.
    • She walked insecurely in her new high heels.
  • Insidiously – in a gradual, subtle, and harmful way.
    • The disease spread insidiously throughout the population.
  • Insincerely – in a manner that lacks genuine feeling or expression.
    • He apologized insincerely, without truly meaning it.
  • Insipidly – in a manner lacking flavor, excitement, or interest.
    • The soup was served insipidly, disappointing everyone.
  • Instantly – immediately; without any delay.
    • The news spread instantly through social media.
  • Instead – in place of something else.
    • She chose tea instead of coffee.
  • Insufficiently – in a manner that is not enough or inadequate.
    • The evidence presented was insufficiently convincing.
  • Intensely – with great force, strength, or emotion.
    • The sun beat down intensely on the desert.
  • Intently – with close attention or concentration.
    • She listened intently to his every word.
  • Interestingly – in a manner that is engaging or thought-provoking.
    • The lecture was surprisingly interesting.
  • Intrepidly – in a fearless and adventurous manner.
    • She explored the jungle intrepidly, despite the dangers.
  • Intricately – in a complex or detailed manner.
    • The design was intricately woven into the fabric.
  • Intriguingly – in a manner arousing curiosity or interest.
    • The mystery novel was intriguingly suspenseful.
  • Invariably – in a way that is constant or unchanging.
    • His schedule was invariably busy.
  • Invisibly – in a manner that cannot be seen.
    • The tiny particles floated invisibly in the air.

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