Adverbs That Start With G

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Here are some adverbs that start with the letter “G,” along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Gaily – in a cheerful or lighthearted manner.
  • The children played gaily in the park.
  • Gallantly – in a brave or heroic manner.
  • The knight gallantly defended the castle.
  • Genuinely – in a sincere or authentic manner.
  • She smiled genuinely at her friend.
  • Generally – in most cases; usually.
  • Generally, he arrives at work by 9 AM.
  • Generously – in a manner showing a readiness to give more of something.
  • She generously donated to the charity.
  • Genially – in a friendly and cheerful manner.
  • He greeted his guests genially.
  • Gently – in a mild or kind manner.
  • She gently rocked the baby to sleep.
  • Geographically – in a manner that relates to geography.
  • The countries are geographically close.
  • Gingerly – in a careful or cautious manner.
  • He gingerly touched the hot stove.
  • Girlishly – in a manner characteristic of a girl.
    • She laughed girlishly at the joke.
  • Gladly – with pleasure; willingly.
    • I will gladly help you with your project.
  • Gleefully – in a joyful or exuberant manner.
    • The kids gleefully opened their presents.
  • Glimmeringly – in a manner that glimmers or shines faintly.
    • The stars shone glimmeringly in the night sky.
  • Globally – in a way that relates to the whole world.
    • The company operates globally.
  • Gloriously – in a manner that is magnificent or wonderful.
    • The sun set gloriously over the horizon.
  • Graciously – in a courteous and kind manner.
    • She graciously accepted the award.
  • Gradually – in a manner that progresses slowly over time.
    • The temperature gradually increased throughout the day.
  • Grandly – in a magnificent or impressive manner.
    • The hotel was grandly decorated for the event.
  • Gratefully – with appreciation or thankfulness.
    • She gratefully received the gift.
  • Gravely – in a serious or solemn manner.
    • He spoke gravely about the situation.
  • Greatly – to a significant extent; very much.
    • Her efforts were greatly appreciated.
  • Greedily – in a manner that shows an intense desire for more.
    • He ate the cake greedily.
  • Grimly – in a very serious, gloomy, or depressing manner.
    • He grimly accepted the bad news.
  • Groggily – in a manner that shows drowsiness or sluggishness.
    • She woke up groggily after a long night.
  • Grotesquely – in a manner that is comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.
    • The monster was grotesquely deformed.
  • Groundedly – in a manner that is based on solid reasoning or reality.
    • She explained her plan groundedly.
  • Guardedly – in a cautious or restrained manner.
    • He spoke guardedly about his plans.
  • Guiltlessly – in a manner that shows no guilt or wrongdoing.
    • She walked away guiltlessly after proving her innocence.
  • Gullibly – in a manner that is easily deceived or tricked.
    • He gullibly believed every word of the scammer.
  • Gutturally – in a manner that is harsh or throaty.
    • The dog growled gutturally at the stranger.
  • Gushingly – in a manner that is excessively enthusiastic or effusive.
    • She gushingly praised his performance.
  • Gaudily – in a manner that is extravagantly bright or showy.
    • The room was gaudily decorated with neon colors.
  • Gamely – in a brave, spirited, or determined manner.
    • He gamely tackled the challenging task.
  • Gainfully – in a manner that is profitable or beneficial.
    • She is gainfully employed as a lawyer.
  • Gallopingly – in a manner that resembles or suggests a gallop.
    • The story moved gallopingly towards its climax.
  • Gaspingly – in a manner that involves or suggests gasping.
    • She spoke gaspingly after the long run.
  • Gawkily – in an awkward or clumsy manner.
    • He walked gawkily across the stage.
  • Genteelly – in a polite, refined, or respectable manner.
    • She spoke genteelly, with impeccable manners.
  • Gigantically – in a manner that is extremely large or huge.
    • The building loomed gigantically over the city.
  • Glacially – in a manner that is very slow or coldly indifferent.
    • The negotiations progressed glacially.
  • Glossily – in a manner that is shiny and smooth.
    • The magazine was printed glossily.
  • Gloatingly – in a manner that shows malicious satisfaction.
    • He smiled gloatingly at his rival’s failure.
  • Gnomically – in a manner that is wise and pithy.
    • He commented gnomically, leaving everyone thoughtful.
  • Goofily – in a silly or playful manner.
    • He danced goofily to make the children laugh.
  • Gorgeously – in a very beautiful or attractive manner.
    • She was dressed gorgeously for the gala.
  • Gracefully – in a manner that is elegant and fluid.
    • The ballerina moved gracefully across the stage.
  • Gratingly – in a manner that irritates or annoys.
    • The alarm sounded gratingly, waking everyone up.
  • Greenly – in a manner that is inexperienced or naive.
    • He approached the task greenly, not knowing what to expect.
  • Grimacingly – in a manner that shows a grimace or discomfort.
    • She replied grimacingly, trying to hide her pain.
  • Groaningly – in a manner that involves or suggests groaning.
    • He got up from the couch groaningly, feeling his age.

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